[Master] -- đŸ‘» Soul Exchange

We managed by buying more roster space. Which is exactly what they want you to do now.

Guys, why do they come out with so many niche, boutique 3* and 4* heroes? Its to fill roster space. You’re not going to feed away that new hero from that new portal, even if you’ll only use it, what? Once a month at most? It’s to fill. Your. Roster. Space. And force you to purchase more.


I wouldn’t be so opposed to purchasing roster space if they didn’t increase the price so dramatically (or at all). Why couldn’t they keep this at 200 gems, rather than a whopping 1250 gems where I’m at (one SE is the equivalent to 5k gems expansion cost so I will definitely wait)? I don’t think it should be more expensive when you have a bigger roster, if anything there should be economies of scale :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also doesn’t help that every time you buy a roster expansion deal it contributes to the increase in cost to roster expansion.


That’s why they wait 3 months to have each one. If three months isn’t enough time to determine which 15 old heroes you’re gonna feature, then your company is either horrendously understaffed or just plain dumb.


Soul Exchange Nothing yet?

Latest version is 57.0.1 as long as the version doesn’t change nothing new will happen
In bottom line the SE oracle depending on the data that’s inside the version

No new version nothing even worthful to check.

I bet that they’ll release a new version just before the end of the month with the balance update and SE

I too would be more inclined to purchase a bit extra if mine was still 200 gems each time. One of my main complaints of the game setup is you have yo pay to get good heroes them pay for the space to keep them!! :woman_facepalming:
This could be tempered by allowing each level up 5 extra roster spaces but no, I think my last level up (high 90s) I got 1 extra roster space.
All just puts itnat a premium when they sell roster space hey guys.

Anyway. resumes stalking for news of SE


In the past, whenever we did 100 pulls of 3* and 4* dupe feeders, we didn’t get a pity prize 5*. Now, not only do we get reminded that we have done 300 pulls since March 1st, but we also get a “free” 5* hero. Fated Summon is great, but it can take it’s toll on your roster space.
Also, duplicate Elenas and Richards would be fed to those needing the exp boost in level 70+. 1* weren’t gonna cut it.

It’s crazy when people look back and count up how many 5 star they fed away. I have missed out on a couple of soul exchange heroes I would otherwise have been able to get had I known in advance there would be such a thing as soul exchange.

On the plus side it has made F2P and C2P a lot better as it’s very realistic to get lots of S1 legendary to swap from training camp.


Nope, thats incorrect. No GameClient Update from AppStore needed for that :rabbit: :kiss:


Well I will start to eat my 5* heroes. Do not have place anymore in my roster :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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I start to eat 3* maxed and dup 4* maxed :sweat_smile:

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 They don’t need to release a new version to set SE as I already said a few times. Just like they didn’t release a new build when they screwed up the Covenant Quest schedule last time.


Same here, I ate over 20 3* and 4* (all maxed ones), and it was nice, 1) it freed up space, and 2) it took my shiny new Sneferu from 1/1 to 3/70 super fast, and I have no regrets at all

I think it is their plan for us so we will need to pull some more new heroes​:rofl::rofl:

Fingers crossed Soul Exchange is this week!

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Just a wild guess (no data to back it up) but I think it will come on the 29th. This gives them time to finish up the big balance update and it still is in May. The big balance update won’t be live yet though.


Why to go to the support on this when Petri already confirmed it will be this month? 16 days remaining on the month, I believe the Oracle will inform you all accordingly
 just impatience kills people


That’s not nearly enough to bring a 5 to 3/70 even if all are double LB

I didn’t say it brought it all the way, I said it helped to bring it much faster

Excuse me, where did Petri say that? I didn’t see it :open_mouth: