[Master] Royal Goblin Balloon -- Explanation & Loot Tracking

The only balloon you should be even considering is if you get a 5 star chest first on a regular balloon. That’s it.


For an average spender you’re only going to get something worthwhile once in a blue moon anyway, largely they are a total ripoff.

Exactly this. Even the loot stays crappy

I see a lot of hate for RGB in this thread but I think it’s better than regular goblin balloon. For those who like to stock up on emblems, this is a great place. Sometimes, you get dealt a bad hand and get a 3AM or only 100 emblems or other such low value choices. But most of the times, you can “improve” the value of the balloon by opting for emblems or 4AMs.

  • 100 emblems = $2.50
  • 4AM = $5

A few combos:

  • 4x 100 emblems + 1x 4AM = $15 - you’re breaking even and then there’s mystery crate
  • 4x 100 emblems + 1x 200 emblems = $15 - same as above
  • 3x 100 emblems + 1x 200 emblems + 1x 4AM = $20 - plus value and mystery crate on top of that
  • 3x 100 emblems + 1x 3AM + 1x 4AM = $13.50 - you’re losing money and mystery crate needs to have at least 1x 4AM to offset the loss

and so on.

Coins are tempting but they are not of high value when included. E.g. 100x Valhalla coins are $1.50 so switching to 100x emblems increases that to $2.50. You may not want emblems so in that case, this is becomes a losing proposition and that’s the part that I don’t like about it. Not all choices are fairly valued but then, heroes come and go, emblems last forever, right?

Hope this helps in picking some good value choices from your next RGB and getting more out of your dollars!


Yeah it depends on the combo player gets. Or even play tier.

Current combo is definitely Not In The Money for me. It’s $6 value at best for me. Looks like a Recycle currently.

The first choice is a bad hand it seems. What other options do you have on that one?

Currently - yes. You might get 3x 4AM or 3x 200 emblems or a combo of those which would make this a plus value. Keep up hope!

There’s a lot of room to improve on these loots but given the inflation and what not, it seems unlikely that we’ll get more value without a price bump. SGG is treading a very fine line here to maximize profits.

Early days yet. Let’s see what RNG wants to give me.

Since my hero drought has returned, maybe I may get more 4AM. Kekekekeke

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Something like this


Items Value
600x Emblems $15.00
2x ETT $1.60
Total $16.60

Yes that looks decent enough. Let’s see how generous RNG is.

Looks okay.

500 emblems = S$20.00
Darts = S$7.00
Price for me = S$21.98
Savings = about S$5.00

If you need everything there

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Thank you for the details.

RGB is so bad they should add an auto recycle option :crazy_face:

The offers and/or prices needs to be revamped completely, 95% of the stuff is worthless, if you don’t want to fix it just take it the heck out of here.


I guess it’s largely perception but RGB is no different than any other in-app or web store offer.

E.g., here’s my current balloon

and here’s its deal valuation:

If I compare the price per emblem to the ongoing Loot the Emblem Vault, I pay 4 cents per emblem vs 3 cent and LTEV is a pure emblem offer.

I can raise the value of the balloon by choosing 3x Titan flasks vs 1 EHT but depending on my needs, EHT is what I want more (one can argue that you’re just as likely to score more EHTs by merc-ing and using those flags, which will also fetch you food/iron/mats). So it’s all about the hand you are dealt and what you choices you make out of it.


Zynga hiked up emblem pricing by significantly reducing frequency of much better emblem offers. It’s that LtEV and Get The Golden Emblems that’s regular now. Every 2 weeks.

Kadilem emblem offer resurfaced after a long long while. I wouldn’t rely on that offer if I need to replenish my emblem inventory speedily.

My pricing for LtEV is about S$0.05 each and 100x => S$5.00. I used to price the same 100x at S$4.00 cos it used to be S$0.04 each (based on much better offers then).

This current RGB would now be considered as “in the money” cos current value would now be S$10 if I needed both emblem classes.

It’s amusing to see inflation in IAPs.

100%, :smiling_face: Hmm in-app purchase
Royal goblin balloon

:thinking: lazy

Loot the Emblem Vault. You’re right about the other two.

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You missed the hints 1 post above:wink: