šŸŖØ [MASTER] Return to Sanctuary Challenge Event ā€“ Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Completely agree. Glad it isnā€™t just me. Using limit broken heroes, trying different lineupsā€¦ Still barely passing the first few levels on all 3 difficulties. Iā€™m stuck now Iā€™m all three and done with this event.


Stupidly difficult and to top it off, another wasted 10 pull


Finally finished all 3 tiers.
Im not going to replay for better scores or to farm coins.

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This quest is embarrassingly difficult. Iā€™ll skip it and maybe someday the whole game, Itā€™s became crazy in all aspects. All that matters is Zynga income. Did you noticed the new hero Uwe? Dealing 850% damage? soon a hero will kill all our heroes from inventory. Damn where this game is going ?


This team got me easily through legendary, spam Tang for boosted health on first two levels, fire of pepper once in each of the first two levels, fire off gestalt once, enter boss level with all specials ready to go and boosted health maxed.


If this elite team is the requirement to finish the legendary, then rip for most of players here :cry:


Where is the fun playing like that ? I really donā€™t understand how the devs can give us an event like this in which there are 0 strategy and 0 funā€¦or the strategy is simply to take down bosses with a lot of weapons


My strategy was get as much overheal as possible in the first 2 waves, then use someone like Li Xiu or Hel to stop mana/specials at the boss, and keep repeating, then spam the bosses with arrows/bombs/dragon attacks to kill.

I took 4 or 5 or 6 mins in Epic and Legendary.


So I was looking at the bug section of the forum and wondered if no one noticed the new Gargoyles havenā€™t been properly adjusted to have NPC-level skill numbers. Iā€™ve created the topic myself, since it is very clearly a bug.

Turns out, everyone is just complaining here instead of following the proper procedure.

Worth noting that this is a clear result of prioritizing heroes and portals over actual gameplay in a game.


I thought it was me and came here to complainā€¦. Until reading all the above :rofl: this event is indeed a pain!

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I hope they fix it then give some items back and flasks.
Although I only used 1 flask total, but I did use a lot of arrows and bomb attacks and rag attacks. Originally I wasnā€™t paying attention and just spammed the battle items, and didnā€™t realise they were basically doing NO damage to the bosses


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Blah

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Original Musketeers. I member. I finished it on that original difficulty - Towers were cakewalk by comparison. Itā€™s not too farfetched to think this will be adjusted too.

Currently finished Rare 8; so far strategy ā€œfire all specials then all Direct Damage items because there is no counter from thoseā€ works, but Epic will be troublesome for me.

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Legendary Last Stage first try ā€¦Mana Control . Maybe this helps someone ā€¦

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Crazy difficulty and not worth my time or effortā€¦ I did the first 4 of each difficulty for the PoV but thatā€™s my lot

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Canā€™t remember which one was it, Musketeers or maybe first ever Pets, but i do remember there was a similar event where they just put the difficulty a lot harder than it should have been, intentionally or not. But they quickly adjusted and apologised for it. Canā€™t remember was it the first day or the next.

Part of me wants to test it that way, especially the Legendary mode, just for the sport and test my team. But i have a feeling they are going to adjust the difficulty again and everything we achieve now in terms of scores/ranking and items/flasks spent will have to be repeated after the adjustment, which means more wasted resources. Here comes the reasonable part of me that says ā€œwait a day or two and be patient to see what happensā€.

Besides if highest scores are barely 1m+ in Legendary, it must be really hard indeed, even for people with very competitive rosters and usual suspects for the top spots. I havenā€™t tested it yet so i donā€™t know. A lot of noise has been made so far so Iā€™ll just wait to see what happens. In any case it will be completed by the end of it.

First time ever in this game i cant finish last 3 levels on legendaryā€¦ dont they have testers in this game this is like playing doom with iddqd and idkfa cheatsā€¦. Are you people insane test the event before you send it liveā€¦ these counter attacks are absurdā€¦ all dead instantā€¦ even with boosted healthā€¦

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I finished my first run through Legendary at 735K. With the hit to the health bonus due to the counterattack, I expect scores to be at least 100K below the usual and Iā€™ll finish around 850K with replays if there are no changes.

Edit : Havenā€™t worked out the best strategy yet, but it should be similar to the Rage meter in the original Slayer Challenge Event. Only kill with tiles in the first 2 waves, and never let the meter get to 100% at the Bosses unless you are sure you can finish them off. Which means firing only 4 heroes (if playing mono) and then moving some tiles. The main issue is as Eldente mentioned, the bosses have actual hero level skills instead of the toned down ones. If they fire, youā€™re basically screwed.


Thank you! Appreciate you sharing!


As far as I recall I have finished all levels in Rare and Epic in Beta, but Epic 10 was needed multiple tries for sure.

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