šŸ° [MASTER] Old (Wolf and Raven version) - Clash of Knights Alliance Quest ā€“ Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

I understand your issue, in Puzzle Combat Iā€™ve never been able to go past the first tier since we have a very small alliance and I accepted that trade off.

I suppose I should have clarified a full and active alliance. Itā€™s just a trade off that anyone has to decide on for themselves.

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I consider it fantastic. There are over 100k alliances in the game. Itā€™s very easy to find a new one and many players need to better align themselves with an alliance.

I donā€™t plan on shaming anyone based on their performance but just like titans and war itā€™s their job by being in the alliance (at least mine) to contribute.

I donā€™t want to ruin it for 99% of people because 1% of people suck. Leave the alliance if youā€™re with one of those people.


In the other game this is monthly, we donā€™t know yet here. If they still run a tower later then this should also be monthly on its own. But possibly here they are mixing it with the tower rotation.

Edit: looking at the calendar I think thereā€™s a reasonable chance we will see this and ninja run at the same time.

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I have question: is there any view progress on each member? I mean any leader or co-leader can see who hasnā€™t played, or a progress info of last stage? (like in own profile view, eg: S4 Hard Province 2), so I hope there is info like example: Epic Stage 3

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There isnā€™t a way in Puzzle Combat to see who has hit and who hasnā€™t. Just a cumulative score for everyone.

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And why are there no Aderyn and Wren among the bosses? )))

As @Shunt have written you will just able to see the scores of your alliance members only, but not individual stage scores or progress information (which stage they are), but based on score you can guess where they are.

On the Leaderboard tab, there will be button to show the list in this alignment:


Every members can see other members scores regardless of rank.


As per information from Staff the game designer is decided to have the Quest to be Wolf family themed.
These other two heroes are from Raven family.

(So most likely there will be another Quest later with new heroes from the Raven family)


OK great, at least we can see invidual total score of each member right?
So, we can see who does not play at all, or only some of stage.
It is good enough for our alliance to remind, because some of my members in my alliance are casual play.

Or it is like Mythic Titan? we can only know total score of all members? not on each individual member?

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Iā€™ve already put in the banner to ask everyone to at least play the two lower levels to unlock legendary for those who wish to play it. Weā€™ll see how it goes.

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Yes, you can see the individual total score to all of members like you can see the top100 in any challange events.
The alliance members will be listed in descending score order.


Score bellow 500K: Not finished Rare yet.
Score bellow 1000K: Not finished Epic yet.

The total score after completing all tiers can be above 2 million.


As i see the event is not f2p friendly in terms of summoning chances at least i hope there will be nice offers like that in Ninja tower for 300 tower coin or that in underwild for 500 Underwild coins


Thanks a lot for the clarification )))

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Yeah, and the there are no Suspicious chest so you can ā€œearnā€ additional pulls either by farming levels.
While P2W players are happy as now they do not a good board + chest for good score just a good board.
So they need less effort to score hihger.


Am I correct from your answer that levels can be re-played like in standard events (contradicts to towers where you canā€™t re-play them)?

Yes you can replay for higher score.


Yes, I can confirm what @BlackZed has written so you can replay the stages as many times as you want.


As the mobs/enemies have special skillsā€¦ does that mean they are elite enemies with mana?

Hello @PlayForFun!
What about the Ninja Troops? Will we see them again only in November? :slight_smile:

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I am starting to feel sorry for you, @PlayForFun ! Since there is so little communication from SG, people seem to turn to you for all their questions ā€¦ :no_mouth: