[Master] Ninja tower complaints (Game play)

Some :poultry_leg: for :thought_balloon: on this :fire:

From the AMA:

How do you envision filling the gap between new players and old players?

  • TIM: “Thanks to the, from our point of view, very mellow power creep in the game we’ve not had to really think about this before this year. But this is now something we have on the agenda.”

If we were all cups, then the spectrum is a cup that is over-flowing and a cup that is empty with everything in between.

On one-end you have very experienced veterans saying,

And on the other end you have empty cups running up against the paywall and not enjoying this experience.

With some cups in the middle having a blast…

The last year has pushed out a lot of 5*…
Anyone denying that just isn’t paying attention.
And just like Telly… a few players will have them up and running in hours.
But all the rest…
those cup-half-full folks…
They still developing!
More Creeps Incoming… the Telly Saturation took a couple months. And kept right on spreading…
All the way to October. Then balance.
Then Freya, then Bera. Then… 2021…

All the F2P I know are NOT having an easier time of it. They have much invested-time on their side, and their still plugging away but… These stronger rosters are multiplying like gremlins.
The pressure is building…
Pushing downward!

Couple that…with this topic of putting gems into the competition… :face_vomiting:
It gets pretty weird to see all that being defended with the same ol’,
"I’m having the time of my life"
I don’t want this to sound personal
I just don’t know how else to say it,
That defense doesn’t seem…
forward thinking

Especially with even more difficult events
On the horizon…

Their vision of “filling the gap”
Their… “agenda…”
Turned it into the Grand Canyon

Great for spenders tho…
Until the next portal comes and there’s a costume for their Krampus… then they also start to understand