[Master] Ninja tower complaints (Game play)

I agree, I dislike this event. Plus it’s so hard to get a damn ninja hero. I don’t have none or even a ninja troop.

This will be always the case to a degree. I remember that few days after starting Grimforest showed up and I could not complete even Rare tier Stage 1, not having any fully leveled 3* hero. There will be always people who can’t finish something: Class Quests, Rare Quests, Seasonal Events, said Challenge Events.

Personally I like more grindtastic events, in the end I like those challenging sidequests in other games such as Via Infinito in Final Fantasy X-2, but it has to be fun. This was not fun. This was boring. 75 floors of same enemies and same 8 bosses, which have 8k HP each on higher Impossible floors, deluge of Oni curses which requires either ton of Tornadoes, deep roster or incredible luck with boards to withstand them for 7 minutes when every second match produces Oni curse tile, and of course Cobalt oneshotting entire teams if you don’t have HP booster and minions. I completed it and ended in top 500, but honestly it was not that fun. Original NT was okay, despite me complaining a lot of it, but compared to this it was the epitome of fun. And of course rewards suck, and now one has to fork 250 gems for better tiers which stayed the same or got worse for first few positions. Hopefully SGG will redesign it for next time (they have 12 weeks for that) and they could throw in some 3* and new 4* ninjas as well.

Simply said, event should try your skill or ability to strategize, not your patience with various RNG antics.


I completely get what you are saying but for us older players the other events are too easy and are boring for us. There needs to be something that makes it worth our play time and the newer players can build their teams up for the event. What is the point in making it easy for everyone to complete and give nothing to aspire to?


I am not a new player, but not a “whale” paying a lot of money. (I pay some). I have been able to complete the tower, which was probably hardest event I played in this game. I like the challenge, but I don’t like having to pay gems to complete it. I think, the SG needs to make 75 free tower energy instead of current 50, so that one can complete the tower without spending gems. That, in my opinion, would give more motivation to complete each stage from the first try.


This is the part where you lose me with your argument. Because both is not truly possible here, if both were a thing I would totally back up your point of view but no matter how much time a ftp player puts in the company has literally been adding pay to complete to almost every bit of new content add to the game which is totally unfair to 85% of the playerbase. I’m gonna have to strongly disagree with you and this sentiment.


What I dislike about the Ninja towers is the randomness of the curses. Even at the lowest levels you can can get utterly screwed if the cursed lantern appears and it’s nowhere any of it’s colored brethren. Oh I try to pick shield matches around it to get items to move, hoping to make a match, and sometimes it’s works. Other times the only way to avoid the curse is to use a Tornado or Hurricane and shuffle the board to get rid of it. And those are costly to get or produce. This need to spend valuable items in order to avoid getting characters cursed frustrate me and I refuse to be forced to spend to do so. So I can’t get too far into the tower before I give up as random chance fracks me over. I’d rather the challenges be more about strategy and planning not who can toss the most gems at the problem.


I fully agree with this. Some people are upset about summon rates for heroes so much that they don’t realize evening after getting said heroes most heroes will be outdated and utterly useless for players by the time they are able to fully ascend it because all the events are pay to get something worthwhile to benefit your roster which is the most backwards game logic I have ever seen in my entire life.

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I have a total of 4 Event 5* (3 from older events)

I finish in the Top 1% of everything I do and I do this using a lot of these “utterly useless” heroes you seem to think are no longer relevant.

They are still relevant and whilst power creep is real I beat defences of 4900+ every single day and every war.

Now I have a big roster, no doubt there, but since I have no Ninja, Wizard or Slayer 5* apparently according to your twisted logic I may as well uninstall it because I can’t compete.

And yet I do, every single time. I’ll be inside the Top 500 in Rare, Epic and Legendary next week when Guardians rolls in. How I have no clue…oh wait…it’s because older heroes aren’t useless or irrelevant.

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Sergei is not older.
I’m jealous…
I got food from my 2 pulls :disappointed:

And have to stick with my weaker 5*

1 - they haven’t “made all content in the last year pay to complete”. They’ve made the Tower events have 25 levels that everyone needs 5 flasks at 250 gems to complete. Gems everyone gets for free. What you choose to spend them on is at your own discretion. But clearly not “ALL CONTENT”

2 - I don’t spend thousand per month. I finish in the top 1000 of Legendary with 4 4* and S1 Khagan. This is not possible according to you. Yet several of my F2P alliance mates have the same team for that as I do. Are they lying to me? Or is it that my team is fairly easily obtainable for more than just the evil whales?

3 - Skill, very clearly, matters. Poor team selection with moving tiles at random will result in lose after lose. Whilst this isn’t the most strategic game in the world you still have to be able to see patterns and play to maximise your chances. You have to manage your resources so you can build the items. Not everyone just buys all the items.

4 - None of the above makes any difference to you because you simply won’t see it any other way. The game is evil and you are on a Crusade to tell us all about just how evil it is. I’m genuinely sorry you seem to fallen foul of it in some way. I haven’t so I’m able to enjoy the game and play how I want to.


Some :poultry_leg: for :thought_balloon: on this :fire:

From the AMA:

How do you envision filling the gap between new players and old players?

  • TIM: “Thanks to the, from our point of view, very mellow power creep in the game we’ve not had to really think about this before this year. But this is now something we have on the agenda.”

If we were all cups, then the spectrum is a cup that is over-flowing and a cup that is empty with everything in between.

On one-end you have very experienced veterans saying,

And on the other end you have empty cups running up against the paywall and not enjoying this experience.

With some cups in the middle having a blast…

The last year has pushed out a lot of 5*…
Anyone denying that just isn’t paying attention.
And just like Telly… a few players will have them up and running in hours.
But all the rest…
those cup-half-full folks…
They still developing!
More Creeps Incoming… the Telly Saturation took a couple months. And kept right on spreading…
All the way to October. Then balance.
Then Freya, then Bera. Then… 2021…

All the F2P I know are NOT having an easier time of it. They have much invested-time on their side, and their still plugging away but… These stronger rosters are multiplying like gremlins.
The pressure is building…
Pushing downward!

Couple that…with this topic of putting gems into the competition… :face_vomiting:
It gets pretty weird to see all that being defended with the same ol’,
"I’m having the time of my life"
I don’t want this to sound personal
I just don’t know how else to say it,
That defense doesn’t seem…
forward thinking

Especially with even more difficult events
On the horizon…

Their vision of “filling the gap”
Their… “agenda…”
Turned it into the Grand Canyon

Great for spenders tho…
Until the next portal comes and there’s a costume for their Krampus… then they also start to understand


I think some have started to understand. Wouldn’t need to wait for Krampus’ costume next month.

S2 costumes this month is enough.

The upcoming Challenge Festival (now in Beta), if allowed to go live with no revisions, should wake up more players.

All that $$$ spent pulling those new OP heroes … shucks… they will all be inflicted with that Chicken Curse too, and have their stats nerfed by 25%! And slower to mana up too by 25%.

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I don’t know why your post was flagged. It wasn’t me. :cry:

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Maybe because it’s not in English. I didn’t flag it either.

Not happy Towers require (at least) 250 gems to complete properly but no point getting/remaining upset over this. I see it as a permanent change, since they did it for Ninja Tower too.

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It is kind of against the forum rule of English being the official language, but seriously, one sentence in Portuguese? There are so many threads that contain short foreign language posts. I thought we had gotten over being petty. :cry:

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I’m glad you enjoy the game there are plenty of people with you that enjoy it and you all can talk about your enjoyment together. You are the one who seeks my posts out for comment not vice versa so if you don’t like what I have to say why do you choose to keep responding to them?? If everything I’m saying is false why do you always hunt down every post I speak on then flag every comment like I have some vendetta against you?

I have no idea who you are no do I care, I have a problem with SG and the way the game I set up and that’s what I speak on. You always seem to pick anything I have to say and speak on it like I said something to you directly. Agree to disagree and move on


This was not compiled by me but shows a significant drop in NT participation.

Reward Limits
Top100 - Level 75: 2985k
Top500 - Level 75: 2827k
Top1k - Level 75: 2751k
Top5k ~ Level 70: 2580k
Top10k ~ Level 59: 1800k
Top25k ~ Level 49: 1370k
Top50k ~ Level 43: 1218k

Completed Impos. ~3680
Completed Normal ~232k
Played NT ~1160k

Don’t think anyone can argue there was a big drop in NT completion.


Basically, this last NT was a flop. A complete fiasco. So they will need to fix things or people will just complete normal and not bother with the rest.

  1. Give us more flags, or shorten, but clearly buying flasks isn’t gonna work.

  2. One main issue I saw was, in Magic Tower, the “magical classes” got an advantage. Whatever it was, can’t exactly but that advantage greatly helped make MT doable. No such advantage in NT.

It’s just too long, it’s a hot mess. I know the sycophants will cry they love it, but if enough people don’t even bother completing, this event is a failure. And if the community can get fed up with one event, they can do that with others.

They need to turn this ship around.


Like quite a few posters I much prefer the old format, which I had more or less got the hang of. There’s no problem introducing difficult challenges for those who are bored breezing through the content, as long as there’s plenty for the rest of us to still engage with, but it would have been more popular, I believe, if it had been a new event or “Ninja 2” or something and we could still have a crack at the old one. Well, that isn’t what they did. Perhaps if hardly anyone bothers with it next time they’ll give it some thought.

I am somewhat bemused by anyone letting their weekend be ruined by slogging all or most of the way through the impossible difficulty, which cost a load of time and items, was really boring and we had already been warned would contain unimpressive loot. If you’re not enjoying it, why not give it a miss? I did the bits I wanted to do (normal level, plus three because I happened to have three flags left) and then went to bed. Determination is a virtue, but you have to be selective.


I thought I could speak, and express opinions on the forum in no time I wanted to offend anyone.