[Master] Improve / Fix Hero Academy

This :point_up_2:t3:, is an idea, I would love to see, won’t mind additional upgrade to a Forge say just one Adv Forge where all levels can run concurrently, I agree it would ameliorate the real estate problem on the base.for now.

By way of improvements, space and slots managements, running at least 2 or 3 queues or more on HA10 should also be considered., I kept wondering what negative effect that would cause, other than the good Qol it will give players in terms of freeing slots occupied by dupes., is there any disadvantage?

You don’t need TC20? Where else are you going to get 5* heroes?

By spending? If you’re already that big a spender, you probably don’t need HA either.


I think that the retraining should be equal to what you use. Ie, hero of the month should be for all the past heroes of the month. Season 2 heroes, season 3, etc, etc. Atleast it gives you equal opportunity to get what you could use or want. Not just season 1 heroes.


I agree,… I currently stuck with HA6 and HA10… :man_shrugging: :thinking:
I would plan to use other HA, but it is limited…

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When i started to upgrade hero academy that was my only concern,i hoped that when you retrain a hero of the month you will receive an equal hero,very disappointed when i saw Richard…

But Richard is also HOT! hot daddy :rofl:

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Seems George is complaining about trading a HOTM for a HOT-M… :thinking:


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As much as I wish it worked this way, there is a pretty clear description of what the HA10 does, and even a more specific explanation if you click the i details icon…


He can try again and trade in Richard for an Obakan, then there will be nowhere to go but up :+1:


Hahahaha,obakan and Leonidas are our worst nightmares

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I would rather get an Obakan or Leonidas than a Horghall or Khagan. I will just keep retraining and maybe by this time next year I will have received an event hero from HA10…:nerd_face:

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My wish is a joon or a marjana

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If you know the odds and still gamble amd the odds stay true - Its fair.

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the chance of a non classic hero is 5% no matter which hero you retrain in the HA. it is very unfavorable in these odds to send a superior hero to HA

A second Isarnia, I pulled a Isarnia costume in a previous chamber events, and a second one in october chamber event.

The game has already created a solution for 5* heroes with hero academy. But What can I do with two 5* costumes of the same heroe?

Any way we can queue in more Legendary retraining then one at a time? I’d save time, space in bags, use my over abundance of food, recruits.

TC20 is now useless to me. Im missing about 5 more S1 heroes and im tired of getting dups. Rather take my chances in retraining. Have about 20 dups or trips and theyre sitting in my bags collecting dust.


Devs, how about a “Claim All” button for Hero Academies like the Training Grounds have. That would be great.

Right Now there is just 5% chance of getting a non CT 20 in academy heroe 20. Running just one “pull” a week, it means in average you will get less than 3 non ct 20 heroes per year. I agree that the game should be a journey, but that one is too long. You should also considere that you Will get heroes that you already have.

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How do I Un-vote? I was for the “claim all button”, none of the rest of this.

Eat the second one. Eat all duplicate costumes, they serve no other purpose.