🔵 [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Fortitude - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

Popping back in to toot my own horn for a second. I just realized that since i just finished the Trials of Justice last week, and now Fortitude today, i’ll have finished all the trials! :partying_face:

just a few months ago i was struggling to finish any of them, but my roster has come a long way in the last few months.


Same team

I need to challenge my self on this one, its a bit to easy with these guys :grin:

Trainer for Onatel, not to sure if i want to start putting emblems on Gazelle


My team this time:

  • Gullinbursti +18
  • Queen Sabina +20
  • Dodo Chao +17
  • Gafar +18
  • Hansel +18

Finally outgrew Candy Skittles +18, replacing her with Hansel. If I had any other decent sorcerer options, I’d reset her, as this was the last place she really had utility.

Auto piloted through the mobs, and since I wasn’t quite awake yet, I didn’t fire Guillinbursti as often as I should have, and he was not charged going into the bosses. Everyone else was, though, and boy this much mana control made a big difference. Horghall finally managed to fire once before dying. Sabina reversed/prevented Boril’s riposte for most of the fight; helped that he was also being mana controlled, especially after Horghall went down. Viv was the last to go down, but now that I have healing debuff and mana control for this trial, she wasn’t bad either. I think about how this was going this time last year, and I’m really amazed at how much of a difference a couple of key heroes can make.

Druid emblems go to Melia, since I’m out of quality druids at the four- and five-star level. Been saving cleric emblems for a while, with few good options, but seeing the second consecutive three-star raid tournament coming up, I finally broke down and brought Mnesseus to +18. Good day for the mer-people, I guess. Trainer hero to Grevle, who would have been massively helpful for this raid tournament if he had been ready, but he is only on second ascension.


Had a team to counter the final bosses

Grazul’s ailment block protects against Horghall’s attack down. cSabina dispels and prevents Boril’s riposte and Vivica’s def up. Caedmon is the backup dispeller, while also helping Malicna and Elkanen do the damaging.

Used just one minor mana potion to charge Malicna and finish off Horghall before he could fire. Got her first OP alternative and it was easy after that.

Trainer to Whacker for the tournament, cleric emblems to Malicna. Druid ones stored


Guess it’s been a while since I last posted here. Since getting Gazelle I’ve changed my team composition dramatically, from always having Rigard, to now going pedal-to-the-metal with attackers and no healers, using only Gazelle’s dance as a defense. (I do have cSabina+18 who would be a most excellent healer/dispeller for this trial, but I just wanted to see how a full team of attackers would hold up)

The opening board on wave 1 was actually pretty terrible, with purple and red tiles everywhere but not enough of the 3 colors I took. As a result cLianna+0 took quite a beating, knocking off almost 600 HP before even the wave 1 mobs got killed. :sob: Thankfully the board turned after that, and the trashy mobs went down quickly. Played the board very carefully on the last mob wave and got into the boss wave with a ridiculously good setup:

Fired everybody at Vivica, made the green diamond which tiled her out. This then setup a blue diamond under Boril, which I took and this was the result:

Popped the blue diamond, which sent the green tile up to match the dragon bomb and pop the green diamond, which tiled out Boril, and then it looked like this:

Promptly fired some arrows into Horghall and that was that. Fastest I’ve ever finished the last stage, all thanks to a very very generous board.

Item tally: none

Emblems and trainer saved.


Same set up…bling to Malicna at +7 elk finished at +2, no items used.

Druid in storage, cleric elk trainer horguall.


Used to be an annoying trial, with a battle of attrition to kill vivica.

Now, this team just breezed through, even with a 3* included. Board was decent, that helps too.


My team this time:

  • Gullinbursti +18
  • Queen Sabina +20
  • Dodo Chao +17
  • Gafar +18
  • Hansel +18

Exact same crew as last time.

Mob waves were not bad. Fired the pig often for overheal. Entered the bosses with all specials charged. I didn’t focus fire on one enemy this time, which in hindsight, was probably a mistake. Tried to get cute by spreading the ailments around and keeping anybody from doing their thing, but it didn’t really work too well. Eventually burned through my overheal HP, and Gafar, being the squishy little guy that he is, died. After Horghall goes down, though, it’s really just a matter of whittling down the other two, which I did without further incident.

Cleric emblems get a couple of talents for Kailani (defense on the sorcerer path). Druid emblems get a couple of talents for Melia. Gonna have a stronger mono yellow rare squad than I have had in the past pretty soon. Trainer hero to Tettukh.


I thought i’d have Malicna ready for this by now and i could replace Brienne with someone more sturdy for defense down, but I don’t think she’s quite ready yet, at 4/10. So basically the same as last time, except Kad has more emblems. So:

Rigard +16 - cSkittles +1 - Mist +7 - Kadilen +17 - cBrienne +18


Slightly better results than last time, a lot fewer items used. three mana potions to Rigard for cleanse and heal because Horghall went off three times. a bomb for attack debuff right before when Skittles’ attack debuff wore off right before he fired. he got Brienne the third time though. but it was almost over, i could have just bombed them out at that point.

I just realized that i could have brought Caedmon or cChao but i don’t know that either would be an improvement to this team. Malicna will be once she’s ready.

Trainer to Malicna or Elradir, Clerics saved for Malicna, Druids saved for ?… unless Kad becomes my war tank for some format, i don’t see a point in taking her any farther. maybe for Caedmon or Melendor.


Team Last Time

Team This Time

No change…


Decent board, almost all mana ready…

Smooth without battle items…


Emblem Cleric continue for Ariel, Druid keep for now. Trainer for Margaret… she is almost 3.70.

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Reset token in today’s trial


Went Yellow, ??
Viv went in for tile damage really.

Had all the yellow tiles through the first rounds

Loot saved for now


Team Last Time

Team This Time

No change, one of green troop is lvl 23, and yellow on the way to 23.


Not mana ready, decent board setup.

Finished… without trouble…


Druid keep maybe for Caedmon or 2nd Gullin, Cleric… well… maybe some for Vivica.
Trainer keep later for Fogg. Nice to have reset emblem…


I now have Malicna maxed, so switched it up from last time and put her in, been waiting to do that. so, the team:

Kadilen up two to +19 now. still decided to bring Brienne, but since I have Malicna for defense down (sometimes), i brought her in druid form this time for the attack boost.other options i had considered were Caedmon or cKelile, but I think the attack boost is better as it flips Horghall’s attack down.

the result:

This went pretty well. I didn’t have to use the one bomb, but I did anyway to kill the last monster in the wave before the bosses to save a great board just full of green and all my specials. wish I had remembered to snap a pic of that. Went in, fired all the specials (except Rigard), and popped my green diamond and the bosses were already below half health. Viv and Boril don’t do much with Mist around, but Horghall really does a lot of damage, even with Kadilen’s defense up, and he almost took out Mist and Brienne, but i got Rigard charged again after he fired without mana potions and bounced back. took out Boril and Viv with tiles and Horghall went down after round of specials. Glad to finally find a team that really works well for this. next time I’ll try to get through it with no items used i guess.

yep, reset emblem. trainer to Mel #2s costume, or Misandra who’s getting close to max. Druids for Mel probably now that Kadilen is really finally done at +19. Clerics for Malicna or maybe Mist.


Used viv/gulli/mist/skittle-c/caedmon. Not really enough firepower to easily kill the bosses, but managed with only a few antidotes to cure the attackdown. Fired mist a few times to early, so the buffblock wore out just as boril charged. Need to better judge that, but I managed.


Same team… One mana pot used…

Everything in storage…


Used this team

Used only four Arrows on the final stage for blinding…
No other items used


My team this time:

  • Gullinbursti 4^73+18
  • Queen Sabina +20
  • Dodo Chao +17
  • Gafar +18
  • Hansel +18

Limit broke Guillinbursti since last time. Otherwise, no change.

No problem with mob waves, but this is still the most annoying of the trials, imo. I have mana control, dispell/buff blocking, heal blocking, overhealing… basically a way to counter everything the bosses do, but it still takes forever to bring them down, and there always seems to still be the risk of my heroes dying before the end. Oh, and the bosses always proc freakin’ manashield at the exact wrong time. Not much to say about the battle itself. Just slow and steady, but unremarkable. Nobody died this time, and no items were needed.

Saving cleric emblems for somebody; not sure who. Druid emblems being saved for Kadilen, who is now on third ascension. She also takes the trainer hero.

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Same team different troops. No items…

Emblems in storage trainer anton.


This has gone from one of the more difficult trials to one of the easier ones. Finally found a team that does this well. Team has only changed a little, although Mist and (c)Brienne are going to be limit broken soon, just haven’t gotten to it yet:

Malicna up one to +10, Mist up two to +9. Mist could use the extra defense from LBs for sure, and with the stat boost Brienne will be more survivable against titans, in tournaments… and here! :smiley:

the result:

I really wanted to get through this one with no items this time, and again, i probably didn’t have to use the one mana potion, but it really made things easier. it went to Mist to prevent Vivica from casting her defense up. i probably could have just reversed it with Malicna though, now that i think about it. as usual, Boril went down straight away, and a very nice green diamond that formed brought the other two below half health. board dried up for a few turns, during which Viv fired, then Horghall, but i figured this would happen, so i saved Rigard and Kadilen’s charges and fired Kad right before Horghall went off, and Rigard right after and everybody was fine. all that damage to Brienne is from one slash attack from Horghall a couple turns later! :scream:

no reset emblem. Clerics to Malicna, Mist, or cRigard#2, haven’t decided yet. Druids to one of the cMelendors, or saved for Kadilen node 20 in case i pull a mana troop for her.