🟣 [Master Discussion] -- Master Rogue Trials - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

My team for the second go-round:

  • C. Victor +19
  • Constance 4^85+21
  • C. Evelyn 4^85 +19
  • Brynhild 4^75 +19
  • Francine 4^75 +c19

Russula loses his (her?) spot to newly leveled Constance. This time through, I recognized that, although I have only one proper healer (Brynhild), I still have a lot of ways for this team to stay alive.

  • Victor steals any healing applied with his debuff. Not sure any of the bosses heal, though.
  • Evelyn’s element link is +4% heal to all greens for six turns. 60% of my team is green.
  • Francine’s cleanse over time does away with nasty ailments before they get too bad.
  • Constance adds cover (put her next to Brynhild to heal up that damage) and dodge (the best heal is not having to heal in the first place!)
  • And most recently, I’ve got Silva, my new little buddy from the sky, to provide a bit of healing.

So, this trial actually went pretty well. Brynhild bowed out right at the end, but it was in hand by then. MEs to Constance, as before.

Word! And although it won’t help for this trial, I just added Vanda from FS. We’re doin’ the Monster Mash over at Casa del Weasel!


Completed without any healer


My team. Easy. My Timothy is still only 3/70 but i like him. No items used.


I did it with:

Constance 85 - C2 Magni 90 - Toon Domitia 85 - Mulgog 80 - Roughian & Nurgib 85. Not much of a challenge without a healer.


One change … From last time …

Emblems in storage good luck :crossed_fingers: :green_heart:


Actually passed them for the first time :0

Remeber: team I used(cAqyeela is at 2/1 only)

Never doing that again without tickets I used 5 harpoons, 5 Dragon attacks, 5 bombs and my 5 scrolls of Alteration, collected from various resources over last 2 years…



This time went with this team

Change in the team:
C2 Sonya came in., the team was also rearranged, and an epic dragon assist was included, although unleveled, the assist provided minor healing for the the team…hopefully by next trial the dragon would have been fully leveled to provide full assist.

Preventing buffs on the bosses made the battle easier.

When the board became dry of useful tiles, 3 minor healing pots and 3 time stop vials were used.
ME would go to R&N.


Now I got the song playing in my head , love it :slight_smile:

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