šŸŽ– [Master Discussion] Hero League ā€“ Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

Why too players in Leuge Rankings have so poor defense. Is this is bug or tactics?

They have more possibilities to draw not so difficult defending teamā€™s.

Thatā€™s silly in my opinion

Well, thatā€™s just normal LotL even in challenges and events. When i have 9 sword minions against three bosses and one of the bosses fully charges with a cascade, the 9 minions randomly hit everyone but the charged enemy :joy:

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Well I made the dumb mistake today of doing/trying POG challenges. I did Mono Purple challenge, and went 3-3 for Hero League.
One was annoying, I would kill the tank then get no more tiles, then Heimdall revives the tank, kills one of my heroes, I kill the tank again, no tiles, heimdall revies, they kill another hero of mineā€¦ and so on and so on. So frustrating.

Six attacks per day is waaay better than the initial ten. But Iā€™d lower it to five, or even four for a MONTH long event. Itā€™s barely over a week into it and Iā€™m tired of it already.


Are you sure that everything is OK with points system? How this two can be first two places and have such a lot points?

I think you messed something upā€¦

Iā€™m generally coming around to this, especially when they dropped it to 6 per day, but the defensive performance is completely jacked. The first round I had an easy A rank, won 75% or so. Round 2 I have the exact same defense and have now gone 0-11. Iā€™m sorry, getting rid of 25% of bottom feeders did not suddenly make the competition THAT much better. Something is completely rotten with this.

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I said this yesterday and i have noticed it again today:

my 3900k alt account is definitely getting higher combos and shields diamonds compared to my main account, so scoring is higher each time

Can you take some notes ? Then you can present your anecdotal data here.

Not saying that I donā€™t believe you but data makes a more impactful impression.

My HL experience is mix. Generally I lose 1, then win the next. Reason being : lousy board for the former, better board for the latter. There are occasions where I somehow survive to take a win.

Total 62 attacks to date ( I think)
Board mix is about 50-50 => 31 - 31
Win rate for last 2 days => 8 - 4
Didnā€™t record for Round 1 but I think the ratio is about there.

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Has anyone notice if the family bonuses has gotten more brutal for you. Iā€™m already losing half of my matches due to a combination of bad boards and these sky high bonuses

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Yes, i cant for the life of me kill Tinsel as tank. I went 3-3 again today, lost to all matches with 3x winter family.

It has gotten really bad and itā€™s only the second week. I canā€™t even kill a Cristobal tank, Cristobalā€¦

4-2 today for me. Would have been 5-1 if I had remembered to swop out 1 hero for another.

Attack #6 was a no go from onset. I saw the opening board and went :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

And thatā€™s it for today.

5-1 for me. Highest Iā€™ve had was 843, twice in the 700s otherwise mid 6 is the norm. Combos and bonuses almost non existent.
Def continues to be an E which I think is for excellently suckingā€¦lol. Taunters mana boosters mindless heavy hitters- none of it seems to make a difference. Keep getting smoked?!

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Anyone actually managing to get a non-E defense? Iā€™m at E on both my accounts no matter what I try. And I have quite a strong roster.

Clinging desperately to a C. Falls back to D on and off.

The league sucks. It is one of the dumbest things that theyā€™ve come up with. Every match is just whether you get two matches to block Ludwig other wise youā€™re dead.


I actually like it. Only think that as always in this game, rewards are not worth the effort. Final loot should be higher to encourage playing, and giving some food for each day of completed attacks would also help.

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I ran out of time, had my whole team alive only one defender left, zero pointsā€¦time outs should not be considered fleeing. My problem, a real life interruption.

I would have expected kill points at a minimum.


Today had to be my day. Went 6-0 with some ridiculously awesome boards. Felt like i picked the perfect moment in the perfect day to go raiding. Tiles just kept coming and coming, fighters never resurrected, rogues never dodged. I was destined to win no matter what the other team was. Still having the feeling that you get wonderful boards or horrific boards, no inbetween.

Defense is a mess. Iā€™m trying different set-ups, formations that keep me easily around 2500/2600 cups, but seems like everyone is storming through them. Ludwig at tank is a certain defeat, iā€™ve a 100% defeat streak. Pengi tank granted me the only two victories, but even with him i lost a ton of battles. Taking into account my attack record too, seems like this second round attackers are having an easier/more favourable time than last week

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Week 2 so far has been pretty weirdā€¦ I was 3-3 on both Day 1 and Day 3 and 6-0 on both Day 2 and Day 4ā€¦ I guess overall still 75% win rate which is fineā€¦ But sometimes you just donā€™t get the tiles that you needā€¦

Mostly using 4/1 with Hathor being the main healerā€¦ Yellow pack doing well so farā€¦ c.Leo + c.WB + Ogima + Karaā€¦ If I find 9 tiles, it is pretty much GG for the other side. 30% stat boost for Ogima super helpful.