🎖 [Master Discussion] Hero League – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring and Rewards

My guess is, that this is just the way the Matchmaking & ScoringSystem works…

You only get enemies within your area/strength, while you are sorted into the global list based on points.

This is the one and only correct conclusion.
Scoring is exactly the same calculated, only opponent are ‘matched’ to your score/level.
So it is performance measured to results of your actual wins/losses.

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There will be only 6 attacks / day in Round 2.


Good improvement. 6 is way more reasonable.

Not true . On several instances i had either whole / partial team alive . Timed out anz zero points. It happened at least 3 times

What team was it against because my difficulty bonus ALWAYS seems to be 300 regardless of whether I face a 6000 or 5000

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What about defense points? Less attack points should reduce defense points received :thinking:

Exactly. This was me everytime I logged on and saw I still had attacks to use….


Happy they’ve reduced it to 6 attacks but not sure that will help the overall fatigue :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Hiya everyone, Im so confused about the leaderboard after round 1,did I miss something, was I supposed to play with all my lowest teams and low troops first?I fought my butt off only to get a ranking of 115000,Qualified for next round,with a score of 32700,but how come mostly lower levels are in the top 100 on the leaderboard Dont get ne wrong…Congrats to 'em… but what did I miss,why aren’t there any very high lvl players featured?Im confused…anyone have any insights?

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Maybe there is very few new players, and matchmaking does not give them much attacks on their defense, and they could won them, and probably they could defeat their opponents more easily.

I think the newer players started at their power level and this level has a lot more differences in team strength than the higher levels.
I am really looking forward to seeing how these players wil do in the second week!

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My personal thought is:

These lower levels are alt accounts of experienced players, go look at some of their heroes, some have clearly spent money to obtain 2x torben, 2x hotm, etc.
So they are fighting similar TP of 2000 or less, but they can easily beat them with their experience.


League rankings are some first grade ■■■■■■■■ lmao. Level 22 with 3000 power is rank 1.

It shouldn’t matter. Defeating 10x 3000TP team in two turns should give less score than defeating 1x 5500TP team in 20 turns.

And defense grade score should have a TP multiplier.
A grade with 3000TP? 13.5k * 0.5 points.
A grade with 5500TP? 13.5k * 1 points.

And so on.

Ofc, numbers are just to illustrate the concept.

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I said this earlier that something seemed off in the points and ranking. Doesn’t make sense that the top 10 is mostly under level 35. This is just a beta - so it’s a play and learn for us and the devs- it’s an opportunity for them to improve the game.

If this continues through round 2 I think there needs to be a live fix

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Made it through To round two woop not much effort on my part also :blush:


Round 1 with 31 battles, 31 wins in total (for my attackers).

With rank 1,043,455 I seem to have ranked higher than almost everybody else, despite my 0 points - feels like a highscore :muscle:


Can’t say that I didn’t attack during the league since I did lots of raid battles as I need the food, which is basically my reward for “participating” in the hero league:
6 days x 10 attacks x 30,000 food = approx. 1.8 million food

If I imagine getting 10 crypt mushrooms instead as a reward, that would be extremely expensive mushrooms.

Here’s the team power of the defense teams of all of my 31 attackers:


Same here
Kinda missin my 10 daily league battles. Lol


They’ll adjust their scoring. This is a whale-driven game, there is zero chance they will let level 25 players take the largest loot. It’s part of the beta process. Once it plays out you will see 7DD and the like at the top of the ranks. Print it.

If it was to have 6 attacks, turn it into Tournaments, not a League.

This can be compared with the War of the 3 Kingdoms… Reduce it as well then… 50 would be ok.

If this is to be different, 10 should be the number. Some can do them, some can’t… that is why we need a differentiate system/point…

Delete the League and keep Tournaments if to have 5/6… such a difference… and with these prizes why to care?

Why I can’t use my own raid teams for league? I’m tired of changing heroes! That’s why I’ve paid for my teams! :blush: