These are the first times we see score for tile matching in raids and winning quickly.
1 It would be nice if we had a turn counter in raids. I often want to know when that tiebreaker is going to kick in. Now I want to know what turn I’m on because I may play differently so I can win by turn 10 rather than turn 11. I wonder if this will even change team composition to more mono hoping for quick wins rather than trying to win slogs.
2 If you don’t win in 10 turns, you’re now incentivized to extend the battle as long as possible (assuming you’ll still win) so you can make additional 4 and 5 shield matches. There is no counter for these either.
These bonuses aren’t as importantly as simply winning, but once I know I’ll win (say I have 5 left and the enemy has one), I’ll prioritize matching. Will I keep track of 4 and 5 shield matches along the way so I know what’s optimal? Will I track turns?
I’m guessing it’s not worth it up front and I should just win.
I wonder if we’ll see rotation in families. The featured classes repeat with Paladin and Ranger expected to see duplicates.
My cup dropping strategy may no longer be effective. I won’t be able to make up as much ground with normal attacks. I also know I’ll be less likely to fill my chests as easily. I have 50some raid flasks and those may go more quickly.
More attacks means less likely someone doesn’t get attacked. But RNG means it will happen.
Rewards will be a common complaint. They’re random across categories. You don’t get them until the league is over for you. I don’t see LB mats listed. Some will look solely at the top 10K rewards and say they aren’t good without also incorporating the rewards from the last round (others will properly account for this and still not like the rewards).
Does this mean after round 1 75% of people are left and then after round 2 50%? Or is it 25% of each person who is left so after round 2 we actually have 56% of people left? Are zeroes rounded up in that 25%?
This will catch some off guard.
Overall you lose some rewards for regular raiding. With no reroll it can make filling a chest harder.