I picked Bera over Grimble or 2nd Loki, and I’ve been happy. She’s situational, but useful against those minion heavy teams to prevent them from summoning. Sometimes that’s easier to deal with than destroying after the fact, especially if we’re talking about Waterpipe or LotL.
As it is, I’ve got 5 more to reach 100, and will likely hit that on the current, and I think I’ll take 2nd Loki after all for war depth.
And don’t forget Sorrow.
Just double checking here… no way it makes sense to take Malosi over Loki if I don’t have either, right? Idk why my mind keeps pushing for Malosi…
I like malosi as a counter to alfrike/Ludwig/treevil. Vf is 6 tiles with the right troop… Loki is 9 with the right troop. Loki is the right choice, but o don’t say u are wrong to take malosi… But keep in mind… His damage dealt is minor. You really just want him for the buff/ailment protection.
I picked: 1st Loki (4/85), 2nd Bera (2/20… leveling up)…
If Loki fires before G.Hippo, Waterpipe, Alfrike, or other overpowered heroes… 80-90% will win the match
I had Malosi before Loki came around, but both are usually on my attack teams. Malosi will neuter heroes, but he does have some limitations (can’t do anything against summoners, and passive damages will still occur). Loki is great to give you some ability to keep pace with some of the newest heroes simply because he copies the skills. Of course, he doesn’t give the passives or other bonuses that new heroes have, nor have the stats), but usually he’s good enough. It’s fun copying Alfrike, or Khufu, or Ludwig at average speed.
I’ve actually picked a lot from this FS and I am at about 70/100 again already, I have no one else I would want, but there are ones I don’t have.
The ones I have from this FS are:
Loki (max + costume max)
Heimdall (3/70)
Bera (1/1)
Gefjon (1/1)
Sif (1/1)
Inari (1/1)
Mitsuko (1/1)
I already have
Marjana (max + both costumes)
Isarnia (1/1 + both costumes 1/1)
Joon (max + 2nd costume max but 1st costume 1/1)
Quintus (1/1 + costume 1/1)
Zimkitha (max)
Raffaele (max)
Malosi (max)
Grimble (max)
Not bothered about Horghall because I don’t have any of his costumes, so that just leaves me with the following that I “need” and can pick from:
Probably none, some are good but only with costume but you got to pull it in the first place so you’d have them then but def def not misandra, no no
So, my counter is slowly creaping towards 100, but no one here really excites me (I took Loki early). I’m wondering about holding out for the next FS. Assuming they put in the S2 and S3 heroes we have not yet seen in FS, who would be available?
Edit: I did my own homework. So, unless they are going to include Oceanus/Tethys, the only S2 hero we haven’t seen yet is Ursena.
S3 has more options
Red-Baldur/Lady Loki
Dark-Alfrike/Salmon Loki
From season 2, only Ursena is left from gen 1, I doubt they will feature Tethys and Oceanus in there. So I hope they switch this line with the CF1 gen 1/original CE heroes to avoid redoes. We already had Mitsuko twice since she is the only gen 1 legendary fire hero from S2.
From season 3, there are a lot more that haven’t been featured in FS:
- Dark
- Alfrike
- Salmon Loki
- Holy
- Norns
- Odin
- Ice
- Fenrir
- Nature
- Frigg
- Fire
- Baldur
- Lady Loki
So I think the next S3 lineup could be: Salmon Loki, Norns, Fenrir, Frigg, Lady Loki. But that’s just my personal guess haha.
I did that quick with my data vault heroes CSV file and the second post in this very thread
This seems reasonable. Are you seeing anything under the hood to suggest this?
Odin and Alfrike would be a lot more intriguing than Norns and Salmon Loki!
Nah, nothing yet. Hopefully with v60 already, we can hope they ship it with the update and not a few days prior to the list change…
I can’t remember how they did it last time. Were you able to see the list ahead of time?
I chose Zeline out of those, at least she dispels and is fast.
Mok-Arr I will never understand doing damage to his own team mates so I will never want him
Among that list she would be my top pick as well, by a big margin. atomos also isn’t bad in the right setting, better for a defence team. mok I think makes a mono team stronger, but mono is already very strong if you get the tiles anyway and he does nothing to help with that, if his ss converted a few tiles to purple he might be very valuable. misandra is the worst of the group and the most without use and versatility to me but these are all only my opinion, others might have different things to say and be “better” but opinions really only have value if your play style is in line with its presentation.
I do hope she is a value to you, even if you only get her to 3:70 she could be helpful for a 3K war team, having enough completed heroes for that isn’t a level I’m at yet but its not like I don’t use flags just cause the heroes I’m using are at a disadvantage, nothing feels better than a under dog victory anyway.
He does damage to proc your own Dodge heroes
If… And only if i had misandra’s costume, I’d select her. Fast mindless despite a less than ideal vector… Can be significant.
always good to hear another view. to many heroes to remember all ss, even among the heroes in my own roster lol. shifting mindless is very good, unfortunately the availability from FS doesn’t include that option, and its the case these days many costumes have very little difference from the reg, like frigg or garjamall but I must have of forgotten about the value of misandras c. Atlantis is prob the portal I do the least of any pulls in since its so old, even since they released the costumes but there are great heroes in there, would love tarlaks even if only for the stat boost but seem to remember it being better than his reg and use him often
Salmon loki and lady loki such a loser heroes. I hope they put Alfrike and Baldur instead of them. The heroes in the game are getting powerful every single week! Can you please convey my message to whomever is related
No, I cannot convey your message to anyone since I am not tied in any way to SGG.