[Master Discussion] - Fated Summon (Counter doesn’t reset on list change)

After picking the dupes that I would like to level up, I will pick fodder for SE. nothing is wasted.

You have 2 that you really want.

Balance 18 for SE if you have roster space.

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That’s what the S1 costumeless heroes and there for. As food for Charon in the SE

I don’t want to be suspicious of RNG or Fated Summon, but I have never got 4 legendary heroes that are not HoTMs from portals in one month ever before. Since FS has started I got C. Vanda, C. Leonidas, C. Domitia and Roc, but before 24th October the last 5* hero I got was Lepus in March.
I’m so glad that FS counter doesn’t reset every time you get a 5* hero! I can only hope that I have enough coins to do more than 100 summons. For now 4 summons were ignored (not complaining!)

Currently my counter shows 68/100, I won’t do many summons in December as I’m not interested in Balur, but I will use almost all of my remaining coins in January.


Same! My last legendary was in August (Zenobia) but I stopped summoning when rumors of Fated summons started on the forum.
luckily (?) i was able to claim my Onatel with 6 Dune summons, so i will stop summoning in December to collect more for January and, with MissFortune’s help, i will claim Seshat too, before the reset.

I have not checked it recently, but now it seems the above link contains that the counter will not reset:



When you mention coins, do you mean EHTs? The Version 53 notes mentioned that Santa’s Challenge ends on December 31, so I think the Xmas portal closes too. I was disappointed to read that.

Does anyone know how often the fated summons changes

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It will change every 6 months

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Ok thanks just wondering

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6 months may not be guaranteed


Huh… I guess I’ll get a few balur’s to trade in.

I meant all kind of coins - S2, S5, Contest of Elements, Tavern of Legends and so on.
I heard that Santa’s event will end in December, so those 3 EHTs that I will have I will use in December. :slight_smile:

Not sure if this has been answered, but when fated Summon list refresh, does our hero count bar resets too? Say that I am currently at 95/100 count, would my hero count bar reset down to 0/100? I am holding off the last 5 summons because I don’t have anymore heroes I want on the list, but if my bar gets reset to 0/100 before the next list comes out, might as well do another 5 pull and pick a random 5* for soul exchange.


It didn’t reset… It will stay at 95… Provided you trust what sg says.

Question in title above

By reset I mean I choices

Not true it says clearly it will be inactive until it refreshes once you pick them all…don’t go spreading rumors

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When does fated summons choices reset and does the bar carry over to next?


No specific time frame given so far. But from developer feedback in Beta (see below), you don’t have to summon all available heroes for a new selection of heroes. There will be a specific date when the Fated Summon Portal refreshes, no matter how many heroes you’ve already summoned.

No, it didn’t in Beta. So when you are at 95 and do a 10x, it will still show 100 after the 10x. When you select a hero, it started over at 0/100.

Developer feedback from beta:

Also, all information would have been available here already: 🧪 Early Information on Fated Summon [Part of The Beta Beat V52]