Am I missing something?? Isn’t that chick supposed to only apply mindless control to Ice heroes? Why did bear got it?
Also, ans most important, she applied it after hitting Bear with Hansel’s mindless attack ailment.
Am I missing something?? Isn’t that chick supposed to only apply mindless control to Ice heroes? Why did bear got it?
Also, ans most important, she applied it after hitting Bear with Hansel’s mindless attack ailment.
🍃 Xandrella – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements The hero is Xandrella, she should deal 450% to target and all ice enemies, then apply her effect on hitted targets.
Thanks, Fra. Didn’t noticed that. Still, I’m pretty sure she applied that after the mindless attack, which is weird. Who knows. Thanks anyway.
I bought more offers and got another kali and 2x Goopy. Also another Ithar
I do have c-Brienne, c-Isshtak and Buddy. I just don’t prioritize normal defense down in COE as much, with the thinking that heal/dispel are often more crucial to winning; defense down increases damage and helps me win faster, but I can still often win without it (take out the healer, though, and…)
(I did almost use Buddy in my team 1, but thought to give Shrubbear and Elradir a turn)
Looking back, I realize I have more defense down options in Green than I thought!
Stage 1:
Unfortunately, had to retry 2 times, but I know it could happen with 3* and 4* at 1/1. First they killed me on 1st wave, then on final wave I was one tile to fire Chaos.
Stage 2:
I pulled Franz yesterday and even at 1/1 he is awesome. Hansel with mana pots was helping with final bosses. Surprisingly, this one was very easy.
Edit: new stages done.
Stage 3:
Franz and Almur did well (with support of mana pots)
Stage 4:
I had to retry this stage. First, I went with Caedmon, Hansel, Almur (all at 1/1) with By-Ulf and Carver, but they were too weak.
Stage 5:
This team is weaker than the previous. It was so hard, they killed Whacker and Shrub on second wave (Shrub even at 1/1 did well and saved the rest more than once). Used all items - bombs, arrows and mana pots.
Now, I have only 10 unused green heroes left for stages 6-9. They are 3*/4* with my only 5* Grace. Hope they’ll be enough.
Keep going. Next time around you will be stronger!
I have just finished the Contest of Elements, and I got her with the awarded coins.
She is not latest hero, but she is brand new for me, and she will be maxed.
She’s still great. Congrats!
4 - 3* duplicates. 2 of which were the same.
Sick of seeing Friar bloody Tuck
I hate to complain about a legendary, but of all available in there, I pull a duplicate extremely old hotm? Just…sigh…
They need to get rid of the classic heroes in this portal as well. imagine getting dawa on a 400 gem pull…just kill me
Stage 6:
Done without problems.
Stage 7-8:
On stage 7, tried with that same team, but didn’t have Ishhtak anymore. I replaced him with Gnomer, but without DD it didn’t work (killed on boss wave).
I had to use my best team and it was easy.
Don’t have more heroes. Hope next time I’ll do all levels (last time I had heroes for only 4 stages).
I figured I should try for Franz from this portal…
No Franz but two new 5* and my first Brynhild from a total of eight summons.
You’re the only person who can reverse psychology the RNG gods and get away with it. First bauchan/black knight. Now Franz/ekanite and roz
Very jealous! Green 5* rarity is just that one area of my roster where I can’t even get 1 decent hero.
I did something around 80 pulls here, got these two and bunch of Alfies.
Morgan is way past her prime, but Staintongue will be handy. I just ascended Ferrus and there is way too many 5* green hit-3 heroes. But I will do him.
Getting 3 5* heroes should be awesome, but it’s sometimes disappointing. These 3 are all dupes for me. OMG. I like Hatter but don’t need 3 copys of him. They are not featured in this portal, so they have lower odds. I’d like to get Ekanite or Staintongue, cause I don’t have them. Getting all dupes among non-featured 5* with lower odds is, I think, rare. HAHA. And after that, I went into the 3K portal and I think I was lucky there. So, I quickly forgot this disaster.
Well,I realised today that I fed away a few too many blue heroes and I now only have 22 maxed blues, and a King Arthur at 3/40, and then lots of blues at 1/1
Luckily I have multiple dawns maxed so I can use her on the first 4 to help a bit.
I think I’ll try pulls for that 4* Super Elemental hero but that’s it. My blue queue is long and pulling for 0.1% is not something I am interested in (since one of featured Super-Elementals is that crappy nun with name similar to Azmia). On the other hand I’d like to have that 4* to go with Alfie to go blue-green 2-3.