Mass emblem sale – Magpie’s Emblem Boutique / Return to Morlovia

I don’t like this offer. Or any other offer for emblems.

I don’t care about normal raids personally. What annoys me more are tournaments and wars.

During war 4star heroes could deal well with 5 star heroes. But against highly emblemed 5 star heroes they can’t compete.
That’s not ideal by itself but is ok when everyone gets the same emblems. But selling emblems gives huge spenders an even greater advantage. They not only have the better heroes they also have them way higher emblemed if these offers keep reappearing.

Emblems kinda taint tournaments for me. I like using odd heroes during special rules like a colen during rush attack. But now I have to value a highly emblemed scarlett vs. An unembled colen. This makes choosing the odd hero way worse. This focuses the value more on strong heroes and makes already weak heroes nearly worthless


When I started playing this game I always felt that if I kept plugging along and leveling my heroes I could eventually be competitive with the top players in the game. With emblems for sale at higher quantities that vision is diminished. The only options are to spend more or not worry about competing at that level. It takes away from the fun of the game and without my alliance I’d be walking away at this point.


Saviours ? No, more like another antichrist.
But they do provide a third option…
Where you previous were faced with:

  1. Leave/Quit
  2. Suck it up

Dissatisfied consumers now have the same option they have anywhere else they are not satisfied with the services provided:
3) Take your business elsewhere

Who knows, maybe this other game/company would be more willing to listen to the player base ? Maybe they’d be willing to sponsor a content related YouTube channel ? Maybe they will turn out to be a bit more round handed with loot or prices? Maybe they wont shorten popular game events for obscure reason ? Less power creep ?
Take your pick on something that has had players upset - Maybe the alternative is better ?

As economic Theory has it, competition should provide the consumers with a greater selection, better products and lower prices.
Let the consumer decide the outcome, let the chips fall where they may…

The only thing that i wanna know - if SG had a tumor, would they name it Karma ?

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This is a pretty risky move in long term. For short term, it’s great since it’s well priced but for f2p like me who enjoy playing the game strategically without spending, it’s going to run the risk of pushing them out. F2p players are actually pretty important since it keeps the game fun. I’ve seen alot of games go bust after all the f2p/c2p players left and only the whales remained. A game is not so fun going up against the same people every time!

Im a pretty solid player using 4* + 18 to beat out 4300 TP 5* emblemed players regularly but 4400 TP is the ceiling where it starts relying more on board luck. These offers are going to keep widening the gap faster and faster


As a fellow player, I think this:

What did I miss out on? For $13.92 USD, I could get 25 ranger and 25 wizard emblems, 45 cleric and 45 paladin emblems, 700 gems, and 3 troop tokens.

That would give me the following increases, one per class:

Ranger: Chao+8
Wizard: Sabina+11
Cleric: Rigard+13
Paladin: Cyprian+11

EDIT: That’s one bump up in each class for four 4* heroes; I couldn’t level up 5* unless I also had existing emblems saved up.

With my hideous luck, the gems would not give me an HOTM. :grin:

I’m not seeing an enormous advantage or loss being given by this package…just an offer, take it or leave it, depending on how you choose to play.

Perhaps if the emblems were for my better heroes, I would go for it? But I don’t see a “The Sky is falling” here; the offer is there. I am not obligated.


You can buy heroes, mats, WE, troops,…everything. This deal changes nothing.

I don’t, and that doesn’t matter one bit. Buy it if you can/want to or pass if you can’t/don’t want to.


Shouldn’t be a surprise

It’s a business

Anything that can be monetized, will be

Learned to live with this months ago

Anyone that wants a competitive edge will have to pay for one

Anyone that wants to keep their competitive edge will have to pay to do so

Just the way it is and always has been, nothing new to see here

P2w is supposed to have an advantage over f2p

If f2p and p2w were supposed to be ingame equals then SG would be losing money as p2w wouldn’t see a point in spending if it doesnt gain an edge on their peers in fun friendly competition

Sure i wanted emblems to be a pure gameplay grind when they were released, but SG had already hinted then later confirmed that wasnt going to happen. This is all old news.


There is really no point in being a good player or building a team over time when this much power is available for a price. Why not just sell a top 100 spot straight up? I feel like the investment I’ve made in this game to date in both time and money has been a waste. Really disappointing.


I don’t think I agree with that. Equal opportunity suggests that all have the opportunity to purchase the “thing”. Which we all do.

I’ll cede to the argument that those in countries whose currency has dramatically less buying power v. USD are in a hard spot, but that effect all the things. not just this deal.


How much was the deal total again?

I just hit the buy button on each option until it disappeared


I posted the USD total above. $13 bucks and change, if you bought all of them:

$0.99 x 5
$2.99 x 3


It was a good deal



LOL, same.

Me opening up my phone…oh snap

buy buy buy buy buy buy

level level, out of ham, move troops, level level, s*%$ out of ham again, move troops. Level level


Here are this random guy’s thoughts after reading through the thread as well as providing my two cents. (I feel like resignation to a company’s need for profitability just seems like a bleak outlook albeit probably a more pragmatic one)

The deal is just indicative of a larger descent this game continues to make where the power vs. strategy/good boards/varied hero utilization are becoming insurmountable where to stay competitive (which I’ll define as being able to climb the individual & alliance rankings) you must have 5* +20 emblems of the current “best” heroes. It may only be 140 emblems today but how long before the amount of emblems scales with the cost (up to $100 theoretically as that’s the highest single purchase price I’ve seen in game).

If I’m not mistaken, the original benefit of emblems was allowing teams/players with a stronger roster of 4s to compete with 5 teams (although one could say the original benefit was making SGG & Zynga more money). Now heavily emblemed 5*s are becoming more normal and the power divide is disheartening.

Frankly, my hope (which I don’t think will come to fruition) would be for a re-balancing of tournament or some quest mechanics where a leveled under-utilized hero could have opportunity to shine by one thinking through team synergy instead of plowing through with the strongest combination.

Whether the cost is “reasonable” or not to me, I think when friends and other players are feeling burdened by a game rather than enjoying it, something is not going in the right direction.


A loot is overrated… At first I was surprised getting better loot for B than A+, but that’s how it works… Hell, I even got unfarmables from escaped titans… it’s just random. The titan’s level is far more important that your placement…


$0.99 for the 5 stock and $2.99 for the 3 stock.

I wanted to just buy them all, but last time the bank thought my card got stolen and shut it off. Had to go down there to get them to turn it back on. SG really needs to let us buy the stock in one purchase…


Does it have to be a similar match 3/hero collector mobile game?

Some of the exit options I’m considering if this game frustrates me:

  1. Drive behind a new/different hobby. I could start learning another instrument or find new interests. There’s a world of books on my read list I haven’t gotten around to. Even podcasts and audio books are nice options.
  2. Go back to PC/console gaming. Cyberpunk 2077 is coming out next year. I can take it easier and play single player games in easy mode or casual games.
  3. Explore new genres in movie/tv/documentaries. Internet has opened us up to so many cultures and artistic styles now.

Most likely I’m leaning on 2nd option. It’s not like this game isn’t entertaining, but it’s not like world is void of other forms of entertainment. I never thought I’d pick up a mobile game, least of all put money into it. But if it has to end, meh…I can move on.

EDIT: I maintain a mood diary to help me self reflect on unhealthy things in my life. E&P is part of it. There are good days when this game provides entertainment value, and there are bad days when this game is more frustrating than entertaining. The day, bad days outweigh the good ones, is the day I quit this game.


I’ll go through this VERY long list sooner or later, but right now, I’m just going to say my piece.

I share the community’s disappointment, but sooner or later, any “free-to-play” game is going to have a pay to win option, and it happens to all of them. I’m sure Zynga breathing down the developer’s necks didn’t help (since SGG needs to meet target goals as a condition of their buyout).

I made my personal peace a long time ago in a different game and age to realize that I neither would nor wanted to get to top tier, and this offer seals that decision for me as the right choice. Once upon a time, my mother went full “tiger mom” to force me to be a ranking member of the swim team, when I was but a little lad with teenager-dom a dream eons away which involved spending large amounts of time practicing my strokes and going places I didn’t want to go. I succeeded, but I never enjoyed a moment of it except for that exhilarating solar flare of receiving a plaque, trophy, or blue ribbon

Those are all sitting in a box in a closet collecting dust, btw. I haven’t been a teenager in a long time.

Later, she told me that she did it to teach me what it takes to be number one. It’s a crown that never lasts long, that one cannot rest their laurels on, and, as was said in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland:

“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

I’m in a casual alliance, where 7* Titans are juuuust out of reach of regularly being able to take them down. I’m the heaviest hitter in wars, but we usually fight jumbled messes just as bad as our own with no coordination or reason. We’re minor league players fighting other minor league players, but I’m okay with that. I know that I’m okay with that.

So while I’m disappointed, I’m not surprised, and I made peace with a decision like this long ago. That’s my :gem::gem:



Happened to me a couple times too

I got the bank to lift the security limit which fixed the issue

Now if my card gets stolen I’m probably screwed as thieves would have to do a holy crap ton of small purchases to raise alarm but oh well, price of convenience


I don’t think I’d agree with you here. It’s a new feature. It provides for opportunities with talents not yet included in the game from 1* to 5*. That said, the biggest immediate impact may have been 4* noting how many emblems it took to get the max talents, but 5* were always there.