Margaret classified with "B" (in the 7 Days Hero Grading Guide) (Title Updated 06.02.2020)

Yes, I was wrong—that was the point I was making (in hopes of saving others f/ the same mistake).

Cheers! :slight_smile:

It is alright to make mistakes. Everyone does it. The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes, and keep going on even if you tripped and fell several times.

I was keeping mine incase the developers ever decide to buff her, but doesnt look like they will hey ?

I think I’m just going to get rid of mine as i never use her and she is pretty much useless. As soon as i get my next green 5* I will feed her to it.

To each their own, but no way I’ll be feeding her - unless you have a ridiculous roster.

She still has a niche role that she is very good at. If maxed, You should be able to Utalise her very well in war, just need to plan her usage to the right lineup / situation.

For the sake of a roster slot I’ll be keeping her, just not a priority, only got mine at 2/60 so far

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@maldos04 mine is only at 1 15. I stopped leveling her when i found out how bad she was and she was my first 5* as well, what a disappointment it was.

Everything was said in this topic already so my comment probably won’t enlighten anyone. However, I said it before and I’ll say it again. In a vacuum, giving all green heros in the game Margy’s overall score is near the bottom (Atomos being at the rock botton).
But when I got her I maxed her immedietly, and I have Elkanen and Kadilen, both waiting for those potions.
As a FTP it is really fun to have a non-standard hero with a non-standard skill. Everyone says she has a very circumstantial skill, which may or may not work, which is true. But that circumstantial skill, if it will work, has quite big chance to win the match. I use Margaret in a 3-2 stack all the time so she fought many fights and I remember a lot of them which were won from a clearly lost situation, when she was left with some friends on the sides and a couple of enemy snipers were left, ready to fire. In that situation if instead of Margy I had Elk or Kad I would lost with no doubt.
So its true - she is not the best, and she would surely benefit from some additional buff.
She might also be a “C” but that doesn’t mean that she is useless - especially for a FTP without an endless 5 star bench.


Margaret’s Grades:

Titan - D
Defense - D
Attack - B

Life power - D
Defense - D
Attack - A

Final grade: D

Overall observations: she dodges only specials, the % in dodging is absolutely low, i have had titans that hit her and her flanks so if a titan hit is not enough to dodge then she absolutely sucks. Attack she can cause some trouble with mana troops at 11. Defense she is very easy to handle, only protects flanks and the old lady is weak like a baby.
Her stats are given, horrible def, life but great attack stat, of no use since she casts no hits. Helps with tiles (titans?) but she is awful in titans.
For a HOTM she is at the bottom of the list.
For those who have other heroes i’d say let her sit on the bench.
Sometimes we need crappy hotm, imagine if every hotm gets better and better our pockets will be in trouble.

Next year we shall see many hotm and new heroes with 900+ att, 900+ def
The old heroes will be forgotten. Margaret is waiting for all old and retired heroes to join her on the bench for a cup of tea :coffee:!

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Margaret is another aegir in his original released form. Another blunder that needs to be FIXED.

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I think people forget about this. F2P are used to cobbling together what they have and making it work. Part of the reason I love my Poseidon and Onatel is because, percentage-wise, lots fewer people have them. (I get that they are decidedly better heroes than Margaret, but the point stands.) I’m also kinda excited about maxing and using Thorne, basically because few other people do. There are a lot of ways to have fun playing this game. This is one of them.

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That’s an important perspective, in coming up with the hero grades, we at 7D have a perspective of advanced players with deep benches. I didn’t even bother chase Margaret when she didn’t summon with the few pulls I made that month—my backlog of good heroes waiting for tonics is already too long, and she’d go near the back of the line.

But for F2P Margaret could be a solid and fun addition to your team. That said, I still think she needs some serious improvements to bring her up to usual HotM standards.


Why everybody is mentioning f2p like “you can never get 5*” or something. Come on, since Atlantis appeared everyone has a good chances to pull good heroes during and after finishing it for coins. Even if Marg is your only 1 5* green it doesn’t mean you should spend your portions for her. Elkanen Kadilen and of course Liana is much more usefull and can be obtained from TC20. I think its not about f2p or spenders its about margaret is not a good hero at all. It is about margaret is even worse then vanila green heroes, not mentioning event heroes.

F2P absolutely get 5*—but sometimes a pretty rag-tag collection of them. If you’ve got your pick of top-tier heroes, Margaret isn’t likely to be of interest. But if she’s the one you’ve got, well—I’ve always said that the best 5* hero is the one you have.

I’ve got her on a last day, with last 100 coins I’ve finished collecting on that day and she was my very first green 5*. At that moment I had 12 tonics (now 15), I leveled her up to 3.70, gave her a chance and got completely disapointed. Recently I’ve got Elk from my TC20 and leveling him all the way up. And will keep rest of tonics for some beter hero then margaret is. Sometimes it is better to wait for other option and level up 2-3 more 4* dupes rather then spend rare mats for useless hero.

Margareth has also evade option from talents. Is this adding up toward her skills? Or it sepparate?

It is separate, and has a different meaning.

Rogue’s evade prevents the damage from the offensive special skill, but doesn’t prevent the status effect (like burning, poisoning or blinding).

Margaret’s special, if triggered, prevents both damage and status effect from being applied to the hero, and adds 24% of mana.

I’m not sure what is the order of applying the calculation of the chances, but I assume it’s Margaret’s special, then if it fails, Evade talent.

Let’s figure out how those chances work together:

Assuming full talent (20% evade chance):

Minimum chance of evading the attack from Marg’s skill is 20%. So total minimum chance of evading the damage is 20% + 20% - 20%*20% = 36% (=Evade talent gives +16%).

Maximum chance of evading the damage is 90%. So total maximum chance of evading the damage is
90% + 20% - 90% * 20% = 92% (=Evade talent gives +2%).

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Thank you very much.

As a first 5* and first HOTM, she is certainly disappointing, but if this is your situation, you definently should not feed her away IMO.

I have done a good amount pulls to date, plus over 50 pulls from TC20 and have accrued 11 x 5*, however they aren’t spread equally among the colours. I have 4 yellow, 4 blue, 2 green, 1 red and 0 purple… so there are no guarantees you will pull better green 5* anytime soon.

I have her at 2.60 and am taking Elkannen to max currently (10 tonics)… I don’t like Elkannen alot, but sick of waiting… if I get to another 12 tonics (so 18 total), I may max Marg… she would be a solid 3rd or 4th green 5* to max as there is a niche roll for her in PVP (wars / raids) and possibly titans when maxed.

A few people have commented with good perspective of FTP or CTP and having unique heros.

As Kerridoc states, you need to take all information on the forums and in guides (such as the A, B, C rating system) as just that a guide - and make up your own mind. Based on your preferences and styles of play.

Reasons to take opinions on the forums, particularly these threads, with a grain of salt:

  • people have all the great heros and super deep benches, so she won’t make their team
  • people spend truckloads of money to get the best heros so have no use for this hero (completely fine way to play, good luck to them, but their opinions / needs will differ from the majority)
  • different styles of play
  • some people don’t have the hero / haven’t leveled her, just going off feel and opinion
  • some people just like to complain
  • alot of HOTM get negative feedback early, then once they are appearing maxed with emblems the opinion changes
  • some HOTM still divide opinion, i.e Onatel
  • if you wait for the perfect hero’s, you can be waiting along time and either spending alot / disappointed.

Also, roster spots are cheap and easy to expand. Additional 5*'s are not so easy to obtain.
A buff could come for her at any stage, Aegir’s buff took quite a while to come I believe and he is now one of the best tanks in the game… Am certainly not expecting this to happen for Marg, but for the sake of one roster spot, i’ll be keeping her.

Good luck with your decisions

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This is what killed me most about the people saying to feed her away. Several times, I have talked about the strategies I’ve used to keep my roster manageable without having to buy roster space, and I was repeatedly told things like, “Roster space is cheap; don’t feed away a fully maxed Prisca. You spent all that time leveling her.” So, I’m supposed to buy more roster space to accommodate a terrible three-star hero that I maxed before I had better options, but I’m supposed to feed away a HotM (who probably has better base stats at 1^1 than a fully maxed Prisca) just because there are better five-star greens out there (that I don’t have and may never get)? She may be disappointing, but is she really worth less than an empty roster spot? I don’t have her, but I have a hard time believing that.

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Yeah I totally agree.

Managing a roster does take some work if you don’t want to buy alot of roster spaces - which I don’t - so I have fed away most of my duplicate regular 4*'s (like Little John etc…) which I know some people are keeping in the hope the new lab delivers a way to convert them.

I won’t be feeding away any 5* anytime soon.

I got 6 of them trying to pull Guini in event. I don’t know what to do with them. She is 7th green in line to get the tonics. So all back on the bus. With Kingston coming, line keeps getting bigger for here.

Got one to 3/70, she is not even making my sixth war team. Only siting there collecting dust like other 5. That time didn’t had to many greens so she was a backup but now she is far from any use. The only good thing is it looks nice to have entire row of green 5* in hero stack but looking all does Margies makes me want to cry. Utterly useless hero.