Margaret classified with "B" (in the 7 Days Hero Grading Guide) (Title Updated 06.02.2020)

Well I’m offended that you’re offended, now we just need a 3rd party that can offend both of us more so we can offend them by being offended, the more offended the merrier


Possibly @Moreozz could be offended by this whole offensive conversation? Then we would have a solid, 3 way, offended triangle?


Someone: says a joke
The Internet:



I’m offended that all of you are offended that someone on the internet said Marge is not a good hero.

Someone else will be offended by that last part, I’m pretty sure :thinking:


I am not yet offended by your conversation but if my position offends you then i might consider getting offended.


Well, too lazy to read everything.

All I can say is that Ranvir is just awesome to me (well, I’m lvl 46 & never pulled Wukong so… Ranvir changed my life, especially cause fighting 10/11* titan). He’s also good in raid. Always attacking in 3/2 & when I need some yellow, Ranvir is in.

Margaret is also good for titans (cause high ATQ) and raids (cause seriously, she allows to dodge any big sniper hit wich is just awesome).

Both are good heroes to me. Not the best as they can’t be used anywhere, but good heroes still.

Been lucky out to pull Seshat this month, actually leveling her up. But well, can’t be objective about her… She’s my first purple 5*. Had 16 tarbards sleeping, I’m so fkg happy so of course, I’m in love with her :heart:


@SirGorash, I am also offended that you’re offended that someone said Marge was not good in any defensive or offensive capabilities. Any hero is good in some way in the right team.

Now that we have all that offending out of the way, I’d like to state that no Heroes feelings were hurt in any of the above statements.


And thus, the Ridiculously Offensive Thread was born… Thanks Margaret!


If it was no sense, so it doesn’t matter) right)
Ok lets move on and forget)

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I think it may be too late my friend. You have unwittingly created the Ridiculously Offensive Thread!!! Congrats!!


I would be offended if sucha a marvelous Ridiculously Offensive Thread is put to an end ! Had such a great laugh!

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My knowledge of English tell me, that that big concentrate of sarcasm, that You are putting in message, shows, how You can go by 2 ways in all situations. My first tread was defense against your passive aggression. So yes, its very good, that its finished with your loudspeaker about offensive tread.

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All in good fun @Moreozz, no offense meant. I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

Hi @Moreozz,

Attacking other players is against the forum rules. If you disagree with an idea or claim, you can debate that idea or claim.

Also, I put a note in this thread asking people to move off that subject a month ago, so I’m not sure why you chose to restart the debate.

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Worst freeking HOTM ever. She has 648 shield and 1260 health… not even sure if that’s a 5 star hero.
Here’s the REAL description of her special: ONLY the hero and nearby allies MIGHT dodge ONLY special attacks for ONLY 3 turns; each HYPOTHETICAL dodge gives a moderate amout of mana ONLY to the hero (which recovers mana VERY FAST to begin with :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:); ONLY green heros get +46% defense ONLY against fire for 4 turns.

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Here’s what actually Margaret does: she protects herself and her nearby allies from snipers (90%) and 3-hitters (~60%). Since most defense teams in Diamond have 3 or more snipers, that defense is actually huge, rendering them 60% useless. That’s an immense advantage that can really save the battle.

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I made the mistake of using it as my end-all be-all guide to determine which heroes to keep and which to feed… fed away 5 copies of Kailani (including one leveled), only to find later that she’s actually a good 3* to have for Challenge Events. I’ve noticed other questionable ratings as well, although I can’t think of any other particulars off the top of my head.

No guide can be a be all end all list for anybody, unless you have every single hero in the game at your disposal and the exact same play style as the people that work on the guide.

The guide does give you good comparisons on stuff like tile damage for titans, and potential effectiveness of heroes on titan/attacking/defending teams. Also a newer player might look for heroes that have more versatility, instead of going for something niche.

If you tossed away heroes based on a guide, it’s on you and you alone. Why toss a hero that’s already levelled? It’s really small potatoes anyway.

(P.S. are our kitties related?)


I would love to see her special extend to all allies, not just those nearby. This would carry the additional benefit of allowing her to hide on a wing, instead of being limited to flank.

If it seems this would make her too powerful, this could be balanced by reducing the dodge chance (maxed) from +20% – +90% to, say, +15% – +80%.

Please consider, SG.

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I know, I was just being lazy and looking for a quick fix—hoping to save others from the same mistake.

Btw, love your avi… MEOW!! :heart_eyes_cat:

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