Malosi – 5* Holy/ Yellow - April 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

He’s a partial counter to Ursena indeed as he relieves pressure from your yellow stack to use your specials. However, keep in mind too that he does not block her damage – that will still come through and it hurts on yellow. Definitely bring a healer too if you plan on bringing Malosi against Ursena.


When you lift weights to beat the self isolation insanity but it gets to you anyway?

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I misunderstood his effect but regardless, I never saw Malosi as a defender. I can’t trust the AI to use him correctly. I know a lot of people like autoplay while attacking but same goes for that. Malosi will be best used by someone with an actual brain. I don’t have Joon but I have more chances of getting him than malo. So I will shoot for mal while the window is open and keep hoping the costume chamber one day gives me the joon I deserve.

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Uh oh, sounds like someone rolled a two this morning… :game_die:

On a roll of 1-3, the Wild Animal does not move and roars in rage instead, and the Action is wasted


Where would you use him on offense? Flank? Wing? And why? :thinking:

Offense doesn’t really have tanks, flanks or wings. As he is squishy maybe you put him on the outside edge where he will statistically get less of the “hits three” shots, but otherwise no real difference

Hi @Infinite. Thanks for the info. :hugs:

I don’t understand when you said:

Offense doesn’t really have tanks, flanks or wings.

Why not? It seems to make a difference where I place some heros like when attacking titans and on raid attacks. :thinking:Please explain.

The placement only matters if the hero does some buff or say cleansing of its nearby allies. E.g. Magni, Ares, Domita, Guinevere, Boril, Elena, etc. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter where you place your heores like Alberich, JF, Miki, Boldtusk, etc.


So when a defense is setup, out of the seven available columns, three can hit the tank, then one each side on flank and wing. So initially 1-1-3-1-1

Then if tank dies, it is 1-2-x-2-1, so wings are still protect by flanks, and you can ghost tiles through the x

All this means that certain heroes with high defense and hp go better towards the middle, and others who are higher attack but easier to kill are better at wing, especially if they are fast mana

None of this applies in offense, as “slash” attacks by defenders are randomly applied and no one is more protected than anyone else. So to be fully clear, the only times your heroes position on offense makes a practical difference is

A. When an opponent has a hit 3 hero, you have a 40% chance to hit on “wing” as opposed to a 60% chance in middle positions

B. One of your heroes casts a buff that only affects heroes beside


Another way to say it is using letters for wing, flank and tank (WFT) and Ghosting (G)

Initial setup for who gets hit with tiles across the seven tile columns:


After tank is dead


if both flanks were dead as well as tank


Hope that makes sense


However no artwork still beat Natalya one XD (I let you all figure why :laughing: )


Ah yeah, the vampirella look a like!

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He looks like Tarlak after quarantine.
Was lucky enough to have pulled him yesterday I look forward to see what he can do against Kunchen in particular.

Like Tarlak, I see him more as a Polynesian warrior, but, either in the heat of traditional Polynesian battle taunting … or, on meth.

I really love the way this hero was designed. Game play wise a decent punch with a very fast mana and some support skills is just a tidy, but not overpowered combo.

His art work is interesting. I guess we have another kids movie carryover in Vela, so this Moana reference isn’t totally out of place :slight_smile:


I was excited for Malosi…VF…support with damage.

Would he fit in my Yurple Defense?
Is he a go to option against the multi-versatile tanks of today’s meta?
Good in a yellow stack?

I had mats and ascended him right away…Found that his special rarely last long enough to effect a hero, and when it does, todays defenses have so many things going on, simply blocking what he does, is just a fraction of what kills ya…and on top of that he often got resisted…In about 40 raids, he honestly did not effect the outcome and hurt the team more than helped (if accounting for other heroes that could have been in that slot–i.e. Drake sumo slams the Islander as to effect on team, versatility, and strength)

through all my testing i found the best spot for him is…

licking Kongs big red mace


He can help block Norns’ special… :slight_smile: :rofl:

Running Yurple and Ursena I WANT Norn to fire lol…makes her weak against my entire team lol


Testing Malosi with my new talent paths calculating tool + full leveled heroes + 20 talents + full epic troops!1


The same with yours, it’s just that: your opinion…