šŸ† Malin ā€“ 5* Holy / Yellow from Plain Hunters

You have a better Myz than I have :slight_smile: mine is always killed before he can wreck havoc.

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Well mine is both emblemed and LBā€™d, so that is probably why.

I agree his base stats are off, he should be a defensive build rather than an offensive one

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For every one myztero that is able to ā€œtake advantageā€ of malinā€™s special, there will be
1000 Lord Lokis that can do the same.

If thereā€™s any hero hoping for malin on defense, itā€™s lord Loki. (Especially after he was pretty much the consensus best option during the second soul exchange).

Yep Lord Loki will love her too. I guess the only advantage Myztero will have is that its for 6 turns and uncleansable to all

Yet anotherā€¦new opportunity to franchise the conversation to a different hero. Is this also happening for Noor right now? lol :man_facepalming:
At leastā€¦
Now the sensible buffs that were asked for by sensible players for the rare and secret hero,
are finally included in the off-topic quest to
prove people wrong.

As for the topicā€¦
A slow holy answer for all the Fast Dark?
The reign will continue

Forget balance. Too late for that!
Creep harder and faster SG
The dark tirade is stale and boring.
The dark tirade is years old now!
Shame on you.


I think they should ruin the game with Fire or Holy, maybe blue. Itā€™s been a very long time since holy made a run. Since Guin!
Green and dark have both bored players to tears.

I pulled her with the coins. She seems like a real problem especially during rush


I think 99% of the slow heroes SGG have released over the past year would be great for rush.

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I have trial tested her with Loki and omg her skill hits like a truck. Good luck fighting her on rush. She just does way too much even for slow. 5 skills, come onā€¦

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Sheā€™s pretty incredible no matter what the format. Iā€™m using her for raids, events, titans and war. Just a beast and a half of hero. Obviously she will shine the most in Rush.

how much she is doing extra against dark? i see similar ability is on every heroeis different percentage

I have just started looking at the numbers and from early results, it seems to be in the ballpark of +40% to dark. Iā€™ve only run a couple of tests, but they all seem to be floating around that amount.

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thanks, i try to get some info o see similar heroes do 30 to 70%extra so was guessing if someone make some test and infoā€¦ thank you

Wouldnā€™t it be nice if SGG just put in the skill description ā€œ+40% power to darkā€ instead of the vague ā€œincreased damageā€ or whatever


You should space the green dude in the middle to ensure Khufu is less effective when he goes off.

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How is she doing now sheā€™s been out a while? Not seeing her in so many defences as when she was first released.

Just faced two defenses with her. You better make sure that charge skill doesnā€™t go off or chances are youā€™re toast.


Iā€™m still using her in most aspects of the game. We run dark tanks so sheā€™s a perfect flank for most wars. Using her on raid defense too, but itā€™s hard to tell her effect there. I have a solid bench so most lineups I use keep me in high diamond.

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Anyone have many positive or negative experiences with Malin? Just pulled this one and I donā€™t really need a yellow tank, but I guess she would be a beast in rush wars? Iā€™m stacked in yellows waiting for ascension so just trying to figure out where she fits in the queue :sweat_smile:

i have her, not impressed to be honest, only in rush used

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Combine C.Sif and Malin goes at fast speed :slight_smile:

Best 3 team would be :

Motega - C.Sif - Malin

Motega throws minions at 2x charge

  • next turn, all gets increased dmg
  • 3rd charge, C.Sif empowers Malin and BAM extra dmg to all
  • poison from malin then also increases in dmg as well as stronger counter attacks :wink:
  • Also sif protects minions with dmg reduction