LVL45 looking for a guild

i’m looking for a guild. I will take time to choose among offers, if any!

I’m playing daily, but sometimes just once per day, this implies 3 titan hit/day in worst scenario. Even though it’s more common that i log more often during the day, so my titan hits don’t cap.

So far i’ve been able to 6 flags every war.

Raids are my lowest priority, not fighting any if i don’t have time. My average is around 2000, but i can fall down to 1900 sometimes. Platinum should be guaranteed though.

I’m parallel upgrading heroes now, picking the weakest, so trials and war should benefit.

Got several good offers i will choose one tomorrow, thank you.

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I can get you connected with someone in crew. Line id: lafontaine4

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You are welcome to check out Jacka$$ Elite. Titans mandatory, war optional. If you have any questions or need further info my line id is Twist85


It sounds like you would be a great fit for our alliance. We are “Strange Circles”. We are 26 members between level 30 and 56. Discord is our optional external chat and some of our members use Facebook. Currently we are killing 9* titans and just started killing some 10*.

We need players like you.

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Line: ghostnamepbj


I’ll shoot you a PM on Line but if you’re open to family alliances, have a look at the We Are Groot family :slight_smile:

Forum page:

My Line ID:

Good look with your search! Please tag me when you find what you’re looking for and I’ll close the thread when you’re happy. :+1:


Necro, come check us out. “Assassins Inc”, I just reposted our ad here, so you can read the description of our group. Look forward to seeing you!

We specialize in you.

Puns_n_Roses is looking for active players just like you! We are 24 members strong, everyone is daily, and are stationed around the globe so someone is always on. Consistently hitting 9-10* titans, but have hit as high as 13*. War is optional, but if you opt in you must use all flags. We’re a fun and sarcastic group with a core that has been together for almost a year. Most are level 30-60, so you’ll fit right in! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Nechromanthys please consider joining the Winterfell family. We have spots available in Ravens of Winterfell and think we would be a great fit for you if you want a guild/alliance that you can take your time to grow but be in a family alliance where you will be able to access knowledge and support from our more senior members.

Ravens aim to be the casual mentoring/training guild/alliance of the Winterfell family. We have members from all over the world and use LINE to communicate. Members here have a chance to advance into Knights of Winterfell which is our second competitive sister guild/alliance.

We are a very supportive allaince that have a great family feel going on - drama is not tolerated. Everyone should feel valued in Winterfell.

Here is the link to our recruitment page for more info: SPOTS AVAILABLE, JOIN A TOP FAMILY ALLIANCE - The King of the North / Winterfell family - #3 by Kira981112

Or come chat to us today. LINE ID: ronandex501

Do not join ours :wink:

@Rook you can close.

I got several good offers, i will choose tomorrow (00.00am now).
Thank you all.