Limit Break Question/Poll - Mene and Zidane plus Elkanen Toon poll

I can’t help but find myself once again in the analysis paralysis… so figured a Poll would help hopefully break that state of mind.

How far would you level Mene?

  • LB2 – All the way!
  • LB1 – Good, but save those Alpha Aethers
  • 4/80 – Meh, good enough, but…
  • 3/70 – Ugh, not so great, but might as well get it here…
  • Feed her to the Soul Exchange!
0 voters

How far would you level Zidane?

  • LB2 – All the way!
  • LB1 – Good, but save those Alpha Aethers
  • 4/80 – Meth, good enough, but…
  • 3/70 – Ugh, not so great, but might as well get it there
  • Feed him to the Soul Exchnage!
0 voters

The other “thing” I’ve got is Elkanen – he’s the only Toon 5* with all the costumes I pulled and I do like him (I’ve got Leonidas from HA10 with the basic and Toon costume as well). However, since pulling him, I’ve got 2 more sitting unleveled. Would you go through the endless slog of levelling the duplicates and all the costumes as well?

  • Level both and LB both!
  • Level and LB one more
  • Just level the main and Toon costume
  • One is enough. Use them in the next soul exchange.
0 voters

And for reference, here are my 5*s

I didn’t vote on the Elkanen one, but to maximise the costume bonus, you need to level all of them to 4/80. You don’t have to emblem all of them, though.

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Yeah, and it’s a LONG slog to get through the original plus 3 costumes. So, not something I’d be super excited about, but it is a pretty decent hero once you do, so…

and the results weren’t what I had thought would be the group-think. I’ve seen a few more Zidane’s out in the wild vs Mene. BUT, i do think I agree that Mene might be better between the two.

Thanks to all that voted!

Since you already maxed Mene and Zidane, don´t actually feed them to SE as I said lol. Keep them and if you have spare Aethers you don´t otherwise need, why not LB1 them. Definitely don´t LB2 Zidane he gets worse with alpha power!

Elkanen Toon will be basically your best hero, so go max as many of him as you can. no need for the other costumes besides 4/80 for the stat bonus (which is the reason he is so much better than all the others you have)

Leo will be an option for the outfitter (pick up the one that´s missing and you have a full toon) and then will be the same case as Elkanen, except all his costumes have value and you may max various costumes on various Leo copies you max…

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