Let's improve our Quality of life!

I would love a button that collects all my farms and mines at once. Also if there were some way to collect all trained hero’s instead of click on training place then collect all. Also if we could have a way to produce auto tickets on a regular, maybe one a day or something would be fantastic and fun! Definitely quit being so stingy with 5 star hero’s and make some new 6 star to be stingy.

My Quality Of Life in this game would be greatly improved time wise with having my heroes and feeders better organised into different tabs.

With over 250 heroes in my roster and I sure that many others have much more than I do, this scrolling up and down countless number of times looking for a specific hero like say a mid leveled 3 or 4 star now mixed in amongst a bunch of others then scrolling back down to feed them and when your colour feeding that’s got to be done à number of times constantly, very unnecessarily time consuming.

Quests! Having to wait and find out which bosses and monsters etc are in each quest event stage so that you can set up your teams accordingly.

I mean Honestly! Who goes into a battle totally blind taking in what ever team and hope for the best or that they got it right.

I feel not providing this information with each stage is just TOTAL AND UTTER pure lazyness on SG’s part because they Know that they have these FREE forum players here that think they know it all who will spend the time to provide that information for them, so why would SG spend more time and wages on something they can get done nothing.

But the downside of this is for SG! Is out of so many supposedly millions of players how have downloaded this game actually still do play the game and haven’t quite the game because they would think of coming I to the forum to look for this information and thus just plainly quite out of pure annoyance of not knowing what to go into battle. Hmmmm, I wonder as this forum only contains on an average of less that 1% of E&P download games thus how many really do actually play this game daily out of that millions of downloads.

So yea having quest stages bosses and monsters show up with each stage would make life so much easier for all I think.

I remember when I started 3yrs ago many where requesting more things to do as getting everything done back then only to e 10 to 15 minutes.
Now 3 years into the game for me and running my alliance I Find there is so much to do that I don’t have time for it all unless I have a few hours à day over spread out time slots to accommodate waiting for flags and as a very busy worker and having a family to look after there is a few things like quests that I cannot make the time for.
But is fine and I accept that and in many ways prefer it to not having much to do as it was back in the day. Now I can pick and choose what I want to play and this has not only improved how much time I spend on the game but also my choices thus I don’t feel like I am being forced or pushed into completing everything to keep up with the growing opponents teams and battles.

I never thought I’d stick to any game for as long as I have E&P but hey here I am now 3yrs into it and still going strong, having a long lasting loyal group of alliance members which work well together and get along has really made it a pleasure wanting to log back in a few times a day to see how everyone is going in there day worthwhile and at times more important than actually doing any matches.

Have Fun All

Hi, some of my improvoments:

titan - remember teams for each colour of a titan … irritating!
war - show team power and remaining energy above each player on battlefield with no need to click on each player’s detail … still visible on the battlefield … irritating!
missions - show all incomplete mission structure (like tree list?) - missions that are dependent on the others (shadowed but known)

challenges - show required points to reach better ratings (loot 50->25%,…,5%->1%)

farms, mines and advanced house - show percentage line (like on training camp,forge…) … not only yellow icon when it is full

hero academy - button “claim all” like in the training camp … irritating!


  • checkbox include/exclude used troops in teams in sorting
  • possibility to sort (checkbox) or move all leveled up troops to the top of the list (like used troops in teams are)

alchemy lab - make autofill button clickable multiple times before transmute … irritating to click “+, autofill, transmute, +, autofill, tranmute, …”!

forge/hunter’s lodge - show number of craftable items on the main list of battle items like it is in the alchemy lab (up to 0-100+)


  • checkbox show/hide only heroes which can I revenge
    (- show the team power of teams that could be attacked (revenge) just in the list, not in detail)

heroes roster:

  1. add checkbox to filters that takes/not takes into account heroes used in teams
  2. add checkboxes that:
  • show/hide fully ascended heroes
  • show/hide fully emblemed heroes
  • show/hide heroes (without any level up)
  1. after clicking on level up button scroll at the bottom of the hero roster (or hide all other heroes that cannot be used)
  2. show both class symbols on heroes that have possibility to change costume
  3. show class symbols even on not fully ascended heroes

All of these would be a great improvement.
I think most of them are already requested by others in individual topics.

  1. Missions are a joke, kill 500 titans (logging in for year and a half every day and attacking titans for 30 gems), same goes for some others like loads of food that takes cca 2y to complete for 30 gems.
    A bit boring missions, other than season finish poor rewards.
    Where’s mission to hit titan for 5k/10k/25k/50k/100k/250k/…? with some proper rewards.
    Or fun ones like win a raid with 1 hero remaining at under 100HP or something that’s not just mindless farm for low rewards…

  2. Roster space, like original idea was ok but now there’s 3-4 times more heroes so it should be revisited and updated.

  3. Option to spectate wars, this would be super fun but is most likely too much work.

  4. Training center 20 is outdated, at least s2 heroes should be added now when s4 is out.

  5. Hero academy should be able to produce all heroes, odds are low anyway.

  6. Add more avatars and pins and offer 2x than current there’s loads of revenue to be made here.

list goes on pls add some :smiley:

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Nothing new to the OP. I hope the search tool in the forum is utilized.

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I’d suggest getting rid of loot tix, you are already limited by world energy & flasks. if you auto-farm wherever you have already beaten the level, having to hit auto-play chews through the battery, and increases “screen-time” when you aren’t even really looking at it. You already have the roster to beat the level, why pain us sitting through auto-play

Second, please don’t come out with limit breakers. You just fixed emblems, now limit breakers in beta. This is going to be brutal. I know SG says the limit breakers will be very available, and can put multiple teams together within a year. Still, they will be more available to those that can drop serious coin. So, imagine +20 +5 limit broken finley or cobalt, frigg, bera, odin, elizabeth, how long before you have a team w/ fully limit broken 3/2 (my preferred) or mono set up to even stand a chance. This will be the new Gravemaker, Telluria, Vela fiasco again.


+1 for spectating wars!! there’ve been so many nail-biters that come down to the last minute, it’ll definitely be fun to watch.

avatar and pin store - make it permanent and expand the collection. it’s annoying to have to check everyday & not know whether to buy an avatar / pin since you can’t see the full collection.

alliance chat should be optimized - not everyone uses discord / line and i think most alliance communicate in-game. add options to reply to specific texts and a better text box that’s easier to edit / re-read as we’re typing.


Also bera end Freya tanks cmon its worse than GTV prime as with mana cut theres no comming back without extra move, at least give 4* counter to mana cut

Hello @Staff_SGG, I hope you are well.

I just thought I would drop you a line! I really want you to know that I can still tap on ham and iron in my base. This is a fairly serious issue.

If you could just add a few more offers onto our screens, please. I mean, really plug the screen up!
You’re sooooo close… almost there!
then we wouldn’t be able to tap on our ham. And would have to clear those offers!

This way you could improve your personal QoL.

Ok then, good luck filling your quota for TT.

When life gives you nerphs, cultivate potatoes.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone actually had a nice plot of land to be able to cultivate their own veggies?

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