Legendary clean up

Hey all doing some organizing and with the soul exchange coming up I’m wondering which hero’s are worth keeping and those that are not worth leveling but I should keep and those I should trade away. Any suggestions welcome thanks in advance

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Hey Mikela,

I would trade away Elkanen, Master Lepus, Sir Casmir x2 (he’s not a good hotm!), Ares, Musashi, Thoth-Amun, Guinevere, Sartana and hmm Quintus because you’ll get another one. He has a good costume.

I don’t think you should aim for 15 or 20 because you have some excellent 5s there like Mena and Quintin. Regarding your partly levelled 5s, Sneferu, Guardian Gazelle, Edwin, Xandrella, Thura and Cupido are certainly worth maxing (in my opinion).

So you could either choose a hero on the 10 souls row or wait until next soul exchange to go for the more exciting options on the 15 or 20 souls rows. I hope this helps!


@charles-p Thank you so much I have been wanting to thin out and focus more on what is good so much appreciated. Just wondering are there any that should be a priority for leveling up. I am wondering if skadi, Frida, Inari and sif are still worth the materials? And would you keep 2 copies of Mena and Zarga? Which 10 soul would be good to go with my current options
Sorry if so many questions. I hope you have a great day

aim to trade away unleveled heroes, especially duplicates and older heroes, while keeping your best leveled 5-stars and costumed heroes. Focus on getting heroes from the 15 or 20 soul tiers if possible. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Hi there and ty. I know mena is good but should I keep and level 2. Same question for Zarga. In what Charles above said about 10 souls just wondering if I could trade also inari, sif, skadi, and or frida? I am wondering if they are worth keeping with all the new hero’s coming out

You’re welcome :slight_smile: I would prioritise Cupido or Mena because mindless heal or mana reduction is useful for your defence team and will cause other players to have a hard time against you :laughing: Skadi and Sif are not worth it (sorry to those who love Sif), Inari’s dodge is very good and elemental defence down heroes like Frida are worth keeping. I would keep 2 copies of Mena, but not Zarga. Skadi, Sif and Zarga makes 13 for SE. Add Anzogh and Suzuna, which also look suitable for SE on a second look through your heroes, you’ve got 15! The forum prediction for the 15 souls row is: Becky, Constance, Archie, Flip, Thanatos. I don’t want to be responsible for that choice, I’m sure you will choose well!

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Sounds great I’m looking forward to the soul exchange thanks again for your help and input

You can give up on vivica, suzuna, joon, Santa, unlevelled sartana, mushashi as well including the ones already listed in another comment.

Better to always choose from 15-20 tier. And tier 10 only if there is a good rare hero, missing in your roster who would fit perfectly.

You can go for 15 heroes easily. Decide based on do you want a red healer- flip, do you want Becky for her tricky skill, a yellow damage dealer like constance, Archie or thanathos.

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