Kingston – New October 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts & Discussion

My Kingston is 4/61ish… somewhere around there, but not ready for my war defense quite yet. When I had a +7 Ares, he would’ve been a neighbor, but I moved those emblems to Richard. I think I’ll still have Kingston flanking Richard.

My current defense plan is going to be:

  • Guardian Panther +4
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Richard +7
  • Kingston
  • Seshat +3

So that’s where I’m putting mine, for what it’s worth. Take it for a grain of salt because I usually don’t have a lot of great luck with my defenses.

Okay well having used Kingston for a bit, I’m going to put up my meandering thoughts on him. Here’s where mine is at the time of posting:

Since Kingston is my second 5* sniper, my first having been Seshat, I think he hits like a train which is to be expected. The increasing attack debuff is great since it means I can dump tiles into that section basically without worry because it triggers off of missing hero tiles as well, and -51% attack is brutal. I had a wing Thorne do like 200-350 damage on an unbuffed Kingston and +19 Caedmon. If your heroes have any buffs and/or are at full health, even full blown snipers basically just tickle.

So I see him a bit like Merlin or Hansel in that you can preemptively snipe a defense sector then front load missing hero tiles into them to make them blow and largely whiff which is incredibly powerful. It’s dependent on who you’re targeting obviously as doing this to heroes that do no damage or have debilitating status effects are still dangerous, but the max cap of -51% is just rough.

Edit: data points. :scream:

Joon: lvl 15 mana troop, mine: lv5 crit troop.

So the debuff gave Joon the same attack stat as a max level Valen. You can see that Melendor survived easily, and he was the squishiest of the attack team. :joy::+1:


That’s great, thanks for this. Is that -51% atk a hard limit, or can say a 24 combo cascade drive it further? Curious

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I’m pretty sure there’s a hard cap, but I don’t know for sure what it is. I’ve never seen him do more than that, and I’d rammed 7 tiles into Joon before he fired in that screenshot.

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Once I start leveling mine I’ll test that out, it just seams that all other attack buffs and debuffs that I can think of, have noted limits in their description. I was looking him over when I got him last AR and remember thinking how odd it was he didn’t have that specific limit noted. It would be alright with me if he ended up be a runaway train.

It looks like it’s capped at -51%. I’ve been doing hard Atlantis stages and had a pretty big tile cascade on the mobs, and it never got higher than that.


That’s cool I guess, seems like a missed opportunity. Thanks for the feedback.

It seems ok that this is capped somewhere. Isn’ t is written somewhere?

Athenas similar skill -def is capped at -65% def (which is huge…titan killer). Starting at -41% with every hit decreasing further 4% meaning the cap is reached after 6 hits.

After how many hits is Kingstons cap reached?

5 hits to go from -31 to -51

And no, caps arent documented. Khionas attack buff is capped at 144%

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That is very interesting to me :thinking: I wonder if that cap has anything to do with Horghall’s costume being released;

Just got this bad boy this morning! I’m really excited to start using him. Which team is he best at? Offense or Defense?

Does anyone know if his bug has been fixed yet? Cheers and happy pullings :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Yes, his bug has been fixed in version 24.

I’d say he is useful in both offense and defense.


Basically everywhere.


I’m still not sure, but he will be on my d, those are my ideas, not all of them serious of course :grinning:

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Thanks for the info guys! The only other greens I had were Elkanen and Kash. Kingston was just who I needed :slight_smile:

I’d prefer the second team from the bottom… or in other words… That would be the team i was most afraid of…:scream:

After seeing so many lucky pulls over the month and hearing my alliance leader miss on him with 3 10 pulls I thought it would be hilarious if I used one EHT otherwise being saved for Halloween to see if I could get him.

Only my second 5* after lucking out on getting Ariel last Atlantis!


I was lucky enough to get 3 of him Wednesday, 2 at the same time


Lianna is a cold blooded killer who will do her best to kill the target in a single shot.
While Kingston is using a poison bullet hoping the poison will kill the target anyway.
Being resistance to burn was Kingston’s biggest advantage which made him slightly ahead of Lianna in defense.

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Personally, I believe his other effect is just as valuable, if not more so, than his resistance to burn. He has been able to reduce Zims AoE on all to double digit numbers, meaning he can do the same to Zeline/Red Hood. He is probably the best defensive green hero in the game because he can preserve himself, snipe and cause ailments to the survivor(s) and their nearby allies. Because of these reasons, I put Kingston above Lianna in the green sniper category.