Kageburado in Mirages of Omega

So, I thought I had come up with a clever way to use a purple team on the yellow Mirages of Omega quest. I wanted to use Kageburado’s priority dispel to dispel the purple reflect so my other hitters could get through. Also, I could follow up with Seshat to the same target, which would dispel the reflect from nearby enemies as well. But when I fired Kage at one of the elite enemies in an early wave of stage 3, the damage was reflected back. I don’t understand why this is the case.

I’m pretty sure the reflect is dispellable. Kage is supposed to dispel before dealing any damage. Dispel is not a status effect, so it shouldn’t be resisted or reflected. What gives? Has anyone tried a different purple dispeller like Sabina to see if the dispel works? I’m up to the really high WE stages, so I don’t really want to try it myself, especially if it doesn’t work. Unfortunately, I don’t have C. Seshat, who I think also does priority dispel. Anyone get the same results with her?

Dispel has no power over elemental reflect. The only way for dispel of the same colour to work is with normal attacks like superior wizards or dispelling minions like xiahou dun. Only bypass has power over elemental reflect
If you have diaochan, her minions should be able to steal those dark shields. I rushed the omega missions so I won’t be able to test this out.


Are you saying that dispel works in specials from heroes of other colors? I understand if this is the way it works, but I don’t understand why it should work that way. The relevant part of the special reads:

Dispel is not a status effect. Is it considered a “negative effect”? I don’t remember running across that terminology anywhere else. To me, it doesn’t seem like an “effect” at all. I think of effects as being persistent, not instantaneous.

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This is an issue back then and I ranted with a passion years ago when cobalt can bypass mitsuko’s blue shield because it made no sense according to semantics. I have kind of accepted it, it’s just the rules of how the devs set up these mechanics. It’s their game, you just have to live with it unfortunately

I mean in the case of xiahou dun against a blue reflect shield like mitsuko’s. His dispelling minions can still dispel though that blue reflect shield. Or if you have, say isarnia with super wizard talent, her tile damage can dispel the blue shield.

The alligator from S5 also does this, right? I don’t have any blue reflect heroes, but I do have JF and G. Kong, who cut blue damage; they don’t help against him.

I guess that’s why I posted, as much as anything. To see if this is “working as intended,” and if so, to maybe ask that it be made clearer why this happens in the wording of the special.

I guess this makes sense, as the dispel isn’t actually coming from a special skill, but it isn’t what I would have expected at first, either.

Some of us warned way back when there were undispellable buffs and then heroes that “remove” all buffs, even undispellable ones, that this was going to get silly, and it has. Speaking of that, I wonder if Ana Belle can “remove” the purple reflect instead of dispelling it. (I have her but haven’t leveled her yet, so I can’t test.) Or is “removing” a “negative effect”? And if it is, how are “dispelling” and “removing” considered negative effects but “bypassing” isn’t? What a freakin’ mess!

For the millionth time, the topic of “Elemental Reflection vs. Dispelling by Hero Skills of Reflected Color”.

Minion abilities can no longer be reflected from V50

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Thanks. Wasn’t aware these threads existed, and I wouldn’t have thought to search for those terms to find them even if I had. I still think it’s weird that it works this way, but it looks like it’s been discussed before.

Still wondering if “remove” (as opposed to dispel) is a “negative effect.”

Can’t use a dark dispeller to dispel that dark reflect. Will bounce back and damage your hero. Dispel is a special skill.

Bring any other element dispeller for that. Or S1 Wizard with super talent (preferably not dark).

I have Annabelle levelled but am not using her because she’s Dark.

If it’s a passive that dispels, that may bypass the Dark reflect. I am not sure about this.


Dark wizard works good. I used Balthazar, he was dispelling purple reflect (with tiles, didn’t risk with special skill).


Use a Melendor or a Devana and the reflect is gone.
The opponents reflect all purple specials including dispell after fireing their specials.
I often go 4/1 in the omega quest. Four of the strong color against the opponents plus one off color dispeller.
A Sartana+20 might dispell with tiles (tiles were not reflected), have not testet it, she is not LB1 and imo to weak to be used in omega quest.

Happy gaming

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