📯 [Jun 2020] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 3 (Valhalla)

Bought the offers today so I had/did 10 pulls:

2x An-Windr
1x Jarvur
1x Gunnar
1x Friar Tuck
1x Brynhild
1x Rigard
1x Fura
2x Agnes

  • my 4th Raffaele

I have kept 1x An-Windr, and Fura even though she is a duplicate. Oh and of course I kept Raf to.

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I guess you will appreciate this info. :joy:
Best friend made me to buy today’s offer, saying he will compensate if I don’t get anything. No Rafaelle (that son of a ***, more than 100 pulls this month for *** sake), but I got Fenrir! Finally an ice legendary hero! I can retire now from paid summoning. :heart:


Did a x10 pull.
All feeders but Jott and darts from the chest

Still no brynhild or dupe Mist

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Valhalla luck continues, used some single pulls with Valhalla Coins and landed a Ratatoskr :heart_eyes:

Think moving forward I won’t do much Valhalla pulling, as I’ve been blessed with a good percentage of the 5* heroes! Sif, Tyr, Fenrir, Heimdall, Baldur, Ratatoskr, and Alfrike :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Will take forever to level them all but will be fun when most are maxed…in the next year or two :rofl:

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5 pulls with 500 coins saved.
Second tyr
3* 4* feeders vanilla and s3 for the rest.
Leveling the second Tyr now.

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Picked up Skadi after a series of coin summons.

Initially used my 2x daily free summons which gave 2x 2* troops (:white_check_mark: for censure summons method step 1)

Then did a single coin summon which gave sudri (:white_check_mark: for censure summons method step 2)

Then kept doing another 9x coin summons with Valhalla coins which got all Season 3 heroes:
3*, 3*, 5* (Skadi), 4* (stonecleave), 3*, 3*, 3* (+ Raffaele), 3*, 4* (mireweave).


I’m absolutely sick to death of pulling season 1 heroes from special event summons. This is the fifth time in ROW I’ve pulled a season 1 hero instead of a new hero. 50 pulls on Valhalla got me Vivica and 50 pulls on Guardians got me Joon.

Over 200 pulls and no HOTM.


Came in with 161 coins. 700 gems. So first three pulls: Kailani, An-Windr, Grevle. Finished easy and first 10 of hard, getting me two more: Bane, An-Windr.

Not the best month, but An and Grevle are new for me…

x90 dunno to be happy or not
what to do with all this duplicates :woozy_face:

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Did 30 pulls. On one hand, I got Gullinbursti. On the other hand, 3x 4*, the rest 3* (last 11 were all 3*) is bad even for this game. On top I got Mist twice, despite having her 4 times and also fed some duplicates. Still no Alfrike :cry:. At least Shadereave or Jott instead of x-th Mist would be nice, game!

Hope tomorrow and Sand Empire will make up for this.

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I am curious when you guys/gals do your 10x or 30x pulls, do you let it go through the slow animation process, or do you tap (keep tapping?) the screen to speed it up?
If I do 1 pull, i just speed it up and tap the screen. Is it even possible to make it go faster by doing that on a 10x or 30x? I couldn’t slowly watch the disappointment lol

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I’m unbelievably upset right now!! I waisted 350 hard earned gems in the Valhalla summon only to get a friggin 3 star Nashgar which I could’ve gotten in a regular summon. This game is a crock of :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph:

Were you aware of the odds before you summoned?

Shouldn’t the odds to pull the featured hero be better than non featured? I don’t get it.

If you are looking for a specific hero, the odds are better with the featured hero. However you are correct, the odds are higher to get another s3 5*, but not higher to get a specific one, say Fenrir.

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I did 11 pulls and got Baldur, Fura, Gullinbursti and Caedmon. The rest were S1/S3 3* heroes. And Raffaele came by for the second time this month. Was aiming for Almur and the beeman but no luck.
An above average summon I believe.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: :postal_horn: [January 2021] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 3 (Valhalla)