🔵 [July 17, 2019] Trials of Mysticism Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

Proteus saving the day! Things went haywire after Guin went down but only a few bombs dropped to solve the problem!

Sorcerer emblems for my love Skittles and the wizard ones will be waiting for my dear Proteus. Max level one step closer thanks to the 3* trainer!!


Excellent 1st appearance of Proteus. I think Quintus barely fired once. Emblems will go to Hel as soon as Morlovia shows up (which should be in about 16 days) and I get the last tabbard I need, unless something unexpected happens.

Anyway, 1st trial where I don’t need to use even a single axe. This will just be much easier the next time


Same team as last time. On the bench: Ameonna, Merlin, Natalya 3.70

Got to the bosses with everyone ready to go. I remembered to use a bomb for attack debuff purposes (Proteus and Sabina are fragile). Same strategy as before, use Proteus and Onatel to tie up Balt and Quint and let Ulmer suicide on Mitsuko’s buff.

It mostly worked, though dark tiles went missing halfway through the fight, I had to resort to mana pots. Proteus took a couple of normal attacks, I had to use healing pots on his frail self.

Trainer will go to… I was hoping to have Seshat by now, but she won’t look my way. Still waiting.

Emblems to Mitsuko and perhaps Onatel, she may get the darts soon.


You seem to have some elemental icons that I don’t have - in the upper left of your hero thumbnails and on the two dragon tiles. Any idea what accounts for that?

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It is the color blind feature, you may find and activate it in settings> color blind mode > use color blind mode :slight_smile:


Merlin, Proteus, Natalya, Onatel, Kiril

Really punishing combination for the enemy. They steal mana, delay mana gain, stop mana and force the team to kill each other. Oh and get drunk while doing it.


Also brought 4 darks and ice.
No items needed, none of my dudes died, none of the bosses ever casted and the battle didn’t last too long.


Watch the boss fight and Merlin eating the trainer…


Neat! In a past life as a web designer, I did some study on how to make things better for colorblind people. Nice feature.


This was my roster as I do not have a lot of one particular class. Ulmer, Proteus, and Gill-Ra were carrying the team. I know if I had Kiril, this trial would have gone a lot smoother. But I had used Dragon banners, arrows, and a lot more healing items than I would have likes to use.


This trial was fun Hel made the difference with that mana stop and the arrows did the trick too. Felt good not having to nuke hahaha but it was close though. Fed the trainer to Sabina who I’m now maxing out


This is probably my worst Trials. I’m the least equipped for them I mean.i did manage to down the 3500 tier though… with like a 2375 team? And plenty of low level items :wink: probably won’t even be bothering with the 4k


Element icons are added when you turn on “Color Blind” mode in settings. It also allows you to adjust the brightness (not actual color) of tiles.

Wizard is my worst class lol. I only have Kiril 4.70 + 11 and Kiril 3.60. Also Ulmer and Balthazar… Yep. Sad day for me

Sorcerer isn’t any better. Sabina and Gill-Ra are my best ones. Aemonna and Mitsuko are still ways off from being maxed.

So this is the hardest trail for me. I’ve beaten it before though, I don’t really remember when but I’m sure I nuked the bosses. Waiting for WE to recharge before trying stage 3.


I always forget to take screen shots, this was my team and the items I brought. They all seemed to pick on Kiril, so I had to use 4 health potions to keep him going. Otherwise with Hel and Proteus this is by far the easiest Trial to complete for me.


My team last time: Hel 3/43, Kiril 4/70, Kashhrek 4/70, Anzogh 2/12, Proteus 4/70
My team this time: Hel 4/80+7, Kiril 4/70, Kashhrek 4/70, Anzogh 2/60, Proteus 4/70

-I brought Proteus and Hel; Ulmer and Skittleskull never fired.
-I brought too many healers; Kiril, Kashhrek, and Anzogh.
-Yes, I brought Proteus. I had Hel, too.

-Other than level increases, my team didn’t change.
-The level ups did help, Anzogh is still way too weak though.
-Used a few axes, arrows, bombs, and dragon attacks on the bosses.
-Hoarding all emblems for now.
-Merlin ate the trainer hero.
-This was the toughest trial for me for a long time. I had to nuke the bosses completely in order to win. Since trials started, I pulled Hel and Anzogh, I leveled Proteus. That really helped. Anzogh is still too weak though. I’m probably not gonna take him to 3/70. My plan is to level Mitsuko, so she’ll replace Anzogh eventually.


My Team Last Time

My Team This Time

The Battle

This remains true:

Shiny New Emblems

Sabina stepped up to +9, and Kiril stepped up to +3.

They have a long way to go, but this might be my only Trials team that will eventually have three 4* heroes with Emblems on it.

Conjure a Snack

Seshat ate the Trainer Hero, and is slowly approaching third ascension.


I think this trial period is complex at least for sorcerers because there aren’t too many good sorcerers out there minus special event heroes or hotm so you end up with all healers

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Yep, I did it finally yesterday :smiley: Had to of course carpet bomb the bosses.

If I had Proteus I wouldn’t be having issues with it :stuck_out_tongue: Him and Triton are the only relevant 4*s from S2 I’m missing.


Yea Proteus is nice, he’s just like Hel but has DOT, and someone in my alliance has Triton too I think he’s dangerous with a good healer too


@DaveCozy When you do get him, if you have either Li Xiu or Chao pair him up with one of those two. It is an awesome and satisfying one-two punch mana staller pair. Chao and Proteus came in clutch in last week’s tournament. I wish you luck in drawing him in the next Atlantis summon. 🖒

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