سلام خوبی سلام من مایلم با شما دوست بشوم
Hi Sohayl. Can you make a google translate to English, for me to read your post?
Hi I would like to make friends with you
Please message me on the Line app for a chat.
My Line ID is Julia-north
The North family is an awesome family of alliances. Wolves of the North Is accepting applications for upcoming spots. Line ID Kplay18
I’ve been in a couple of the north family alliances and they are really well run, friendly and supportive. If you are looking for a new spot to call home come and have a look - you won’t regret it.
Thanks for having me @Julia
Warriors of the North has an upcoming spot Competitive but great group of folks…come join and see for yourself! Contact line ID: thisislilah if you’re interested
اگر مایلید عضو کلن های فمیلی بشید لطفا فقط به ایدی کلن مورد نظر پیام بدید.لیست هیروها و تروپ رو برای لیدر بفرستید
Come and join this amazing family!!!
Slight intermission…
I notice a icon by your name, so…
Happy, Happy Birthday @Julia .
Tons of blessings and bestest wishes for many, many more. Enjoy your special day!.
Ok, back to normal viewing .
Thank you @Sarah2
The best family in the game, come and join us!!!
Warriors of the North has an upcoming space available Competitive but chilled group of folks…come join and see for yourself! Contact line ID: thisislilah or gjc91 if you’re interested!
Shadows of the North is looking for 3 active members hitting 13 and 14 titans. Players who use all flags in wars and hit titans everyday.
Shadows of the North is looking for 3 active members hitting 13 and 14. Using all flags in war and actively hitting titans.
Warriors of the North has an upcoming space available after the Alliance Quest ends Competitive but chilled group of folks…come join and see for yourself! Contact line ID: thisislilah or gjc91 if you’re interested!
Warriors of the North has one space available Competitive but chilled group of folks…come join and see for yourself! Contact line ID: thisislilah or gjc91 if you’re interested!
We are having one spot up in the top 100 alliance Warriors of the Norh.
Check last post for Line contact and requirements or apply in game
2 spots are coming up in King of the North after AQ/before X-mas, to replace some stepping down for holidays.
Join us for the top 100, competive team playing, yet relaxed. Our philosophy is real life comes first and that top playing can be fun, not crazy pushing for individual performances or big spendings We focus on great teamplay for wars and alliance events.
Top 100 Wars, MT and Monster Island. Not currently competing for top 100 in AQ, only requiring to complete all tiers.
Look up for requirements or message in Line: Julia-north
Are you a veteran player, looking for relaxed playing during holidays?
King of the North will have 2 temp/permanent spots up for next weekend war. I you like to join temp you can stay for 2-4 weeks.
During the 3 x-mas wars we will be playing FFA only having our cleanup policy in effect.
Check out requirements up in posts ^^ or reach out in Line: Julia-north