The Wolves of Winterfell are looking for some dedicated players to join the Pack! Celebrating our 1 year anniversary this April, the Wolves are an established alliance with the muscle to take on the rest of the top 100. As the sister alliance to King of the North, you can share tips and advice with some of the most experienced players in the game today. We regularly take down 11* titans and strive for 6,000+ points in war. Don’t wait! This is a rare opportunity and these spots will be filled soon!
For the strength of the Wolf is the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is the Wolf.
Our requirements:
4000+ TP
2400 Cups
6 Full War Teams
5 Daily Titan Hits (100k damage)
War teams can be a combination of maxed 4/5* heroes and 5*s at 3/70.
Great team players, dedicated and funny! If you want to be a part of a challenging and ever-growing alliance, join the pack and help make it even stronger!
Come join the KOTN/ Wolves family. We are a fun bunch and we almost all have our shots and if not I’m sure someone will administer them to you. Grow and learn with all of us!
I’ve been playing for 6+ months. Been averaging 2500 trophy’s for 45 days. 3 teams with an overall score of 3500. Very active, always hit the Titan and never opt of war.
Steve, that’s a bit below our standards, but contact me on Line and we can discuss. We can and do provide spots for the right people while they finish out their war teams.
Check out King of the Norths cool sister alliance, Wolves of Winterfell. A great pack of experienced longtime players and skilled and active up comers.
Members can join our community on Line, for fun, game chat and advice from some of the top players in game.
We are looking forward to welcome you in the KoTN family.
Look up for Line contact info or apply in game.
A few spots have opened up again. Join us today! We take on 12* titans and our war score is on par with the top alliances. Enjoy all the resources and advice from the North family of alliances!
A couple of spots have opened up in Wolves of Winterfell. Come join the family and the fun! The Pack is now five alliances strong at all levels of play, from the top 10 King of the North to the more casual White Lotus. What this means for you is the flexibility to discuss strategy with some of the best players in the game or move within the Pack when you want to take some time off and play at a more leisurely pace.