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I guess I can see cold feet. I don’t see rags to riches. Not saying you’re wrong. I’m an engineer so maybe taking it to literally.

Oh yeah. Join reborn!!!


spilled the beans
big cheese
silver platter
ace up his sleeve

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Answers found thus far:

  1. Kick the bucket
  2. Time flies
  3. Rags to riches
  4. Cold feet
  5. Spill the beans
  6. The big cheese
  7. Silver platter
  8. Ace up one’s sleeve

And a few more to add…
9. Shoe’s on the other foot
10. All your eggs in one basket
11. Bird brain
12. Wearing your heart on your sleeve
13. In a nutshell
14. Piece of cake
15. Tie the knot

Anyone find any more?


cards close to your chest
best foot forward
walking on eggshells

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Fish out of water…
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth


Fun, fun…

I think we’re up to (assuming these are right too)

  1. A screw loose
  2. Shadow of your former self
  3. Left in tatters
  4. Joker in the pack
  5. No room to swing a cat

Are we sure there’s 27 :thinking: ?



cat by the tail, cat got his tongue, wrapped around his finger, earworm, cherry on top

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