An alliance that helps you grow

We’ve got room for 3…

:four_leaf_clover:7TITANS NEWORDER​:four_leaf_clover:
An opportunity is available for active, keen players looking for a well organised and team orientated alliance.
:fire:Titan hits are expected - taking down Titans are a team effort! Killing 12star titans. (14’s on the occasional titan run)
:fire:Use all war flags when opting in to war! We have free-for-all wars with the occasional Wave attack, and a unified defense which changes on each war rule.
:fire:Discord is mandatory- You’ll love it! It’s where all the research is accessed and shared, along with game guides and hero info. You cannot catch everything that is passed on through in game chat!
:fire: Participation in Mythic titan and Alliance Quest events is asked - just like war and daily titan, it’s a group effort. The rest, you do as you wish.
:fire: Ideally seeking around level 45+
:fire:Happy to help with levelling prioritisation, and roster development, attack strategies and general gameplay techniques - we’ve been a training alliance for 2 years so we’ve got it down :wink:

A sense of humour and a real enthusiasm to learn, grow and work as a team is most valued.
7Titans discord server is a generous community of new and vet players who are happy to help you out with questions and shared info! This server is open to the public. An alliance is more than just a bunch of people doing their own thing - a great alliance will enhance your game experience, keeping it exciting and that is what will keep you playing. Hit me up privately or in our server if you’d like further info - we want the right fit for everyone, to benefit both alliance and player.


wow sounds a very interesting alliance, I hope you will recruit new members who are dedicated and in line with your alliance goals,

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Room for just one now :muscle:.

Still one spot. My alt is tired :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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