Is Rush War worth the Headache?

True story for any niche! Struggling against fiends? Try mono prayers…
Though I feel the “temptation” is also about dumping money in a portal when anti-fiend niche appears. Or continue to use 1 of your 5 slots for a passive healer with reduced effect leaving you with 4 slots to finish your enemy. This is a consequence for the niche system.

It really is a brilliant business decision. This way the saturations become "hidden" because they shift from niche to niche. With the added benefit of portals reporting profits. Not to mention how much roster space this all requires.

The Rush Niche is probably the most accessible, however. Rather than mono prayers, develop any slows you have. Even your TC will give some. There is a VS 3* fairly accessible right now.

Then you can try moving away from mono and let your stronger skills hit enemy after any 6 tiles are connected.
Plus, without mono…your added connect options can be chosen for up the sides, instead of having the bad luck of being forced to charge Alfrike.

The specific saturation in this thread
And also this thread here…
Is about to spread to more of the population in Rare and Epic forms.
So… lowering your cups / joining a lower alliance isn’t an option for Rush Saturations any longer.
You either have to experiment with what you have in your roster.
Or just continue struggling.
Or lower your expectations.
Or get your wallet out.
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