šŸ˜² Is it me? or people started to quit the game / become m.i.a.? #1

Yea itā€™s the strangest thing lol


I guess they are reading everything and basically ignore all player base.
This is going worse and worse.


Me too :zipper_mouth_face:


Costumes could be a great idea of refreshing s1 heroes, but only in case of availability of costumes via building. The way it was implemented via yet another summon with crazy odds and very limited availability of the portal itself makes costumes nearly unavailable for f2p players who need costumes the most.


By the time they get the ones they need, theyā€™ll need the new ones that come out and be stuck in the cycle again

Itā€™s pretty disappointing

Once a month summons puts it pretty likely to get the costume they want whether 4 or 5* easily a year out. Which with power creep means itā€™ll be obsolete


It is not pleasant to read that a content you worked on hard is heavily criticized by ungrateful players. :wink:


They could easily resolve a lot of the criticism

They choose to ignore it. Thatā€™s on them.

Hell even the AMAā€™s are limited to questions they want to answer lol


It never shouldnā€™t be that way.
@Petri is the only person the player base can ā€œmaybeā€ communicate on SGG.
A few year ago maybe that is enough to catch up with ideas, announcements, communication.
But nowadays there is a cliff between DEVs and players.
Seems like DEVs doesnā€™t play their own game. They are not with the same page with players


Do you want new content?
Hereā€™s the Valhalla portal.

Still want new content?
Hereā€™s the Costume portal.

STILL want new content?
Hereā€™s the Tavern portal.

I am not content on the new content.
New content just wants the contents of my wallet.

Iā€™ve been reading this forum for over 18months and so many great ideas by loyal players just ignored and squandered. Disappointing to think where this game could have been if only someone listened.


Iā€™m with most said here, there would be easy features like inner alliance raid practice etc to keep us entertained. Maybe we just get replaced by all the new players from Asia :smile: without the bond with my alliance I would be a merc that only does the things I enjoy like challenge events and a few other things @Olmor mentioned. Donā€™t get whereā€™s the problem to make a few mentioned adjustments to the game to bring back the fun for players that support the game for years.


Cause we keep payin for the same crap theyā€™ve been puttin out for 3 years so why get creativeā€¦


And lately they bring offers for new ones with money who wanna catch up fast like choosing your AM or that Tavern crap. I think our opinion is obsolete, thereā€™s no benefit or feedback for being dedicated that long. Itā€™s if you donā€™t like it just leave policy :pensive:


Iā€™ve been shooting this warning out for months. Almost a year to be exact. Loot has seriously declined. Summons handing out the same garbage. Fire class of heroes have nothing good to offer for the most part. Game chat ability is horrendously out of date. The next 3 hotm completely miss the boat on whatā€™s needed. The list goes on and on. The problem is the ā€œfanboysā€ as I call them. They claim the game can do no wrong.

Iā€™m set up nicely. I have all the heroes I need to be competitive for a long time. But I still see the content creators screwing up at every turn. Many have had enough of it and as I predicted theyā€™ve left in droves. It wonā€™t change until they see a big drop in revenue and by then itā€™ll likely be too late. Itā€™s very sad.



I wish new players would look how far behind they are, look how much veterans have spent in money and time, then have a more realistic understanding of what theyā€™re getting themselves into.

Even potential catch up mechanics will take years to build and make use of and be that much more inefficient when theyā€™re usable

I had 2 RL buddies start playin a couple weeks ago. They wanted to get into saders eventually. I told em tuck their wallets and just play for free in a lower alliance cause theyā€™d never reach the top without spending thousands and thousands of dollars, it would take them much more money than it did me to get on the same level and itā€™s just absolutely 10000% not fā€™n worth it


Threads like this need a Read Receipt function.

I want to know someone in the company has read and acknowledged these posts.


You know, client service is tricky. Iā€™ve been managing client service teams (in finance, not gaming, but business is business lol) and I can tell you, company policies around unofficial communication are pretty strict. Even if our good man Petri wanted to comfort us in our darkest times, most often they canā€™t - because a single inconsiderate post may blow way out of proportion, being seen as company making a false promise to deliver something etc while in fact development cycles, decision making, revenue analysis (yea sadly) etc take so much time and introduce so many variables that not every word can be kept to.

Often companies limit the social media presence to bare minimum, and basically every post or statement they make must be related to the topic they are allowed to discuss, and everything else must be pre-approved by management (itā€™s even written and edited by someone else). But thatā€™s there for a reason. Community may need and appreciate some comforting statement from the company representatives, but if then the same statement turns out not true or needs to be altered - the blowback is way harder than how community would handle no statement at all. I donā€™t think though that they ignore us, just silently discuss what the hot topics are behind the closed door not getting into any toxic arguments. Then use their forum folks as mouths to broadcast their prepared politically correct statement :wink:

So I completely understand this approach. Basically they are them because we are us.


I donā€™t think that they are interested in playing their game)) Do casino owners go to their casino to spin their roulette?


:+1: If I would start playing today with my actual gameā€™s knowledge I would do like @RandaPanduh and wouldnā€™t ascend heroes past lv70.


Thanks for the well described information.
Ofc i donā€™t expect any comforting speech similar to Karen like ā€œÄ± want to see your managerā€ style.
I am basically saying they need to show some understanding about how loyal players frustrated lately.
Nobody wants to get free heroes or fully free content.
I am just expecting some challenge, some loyalty reward and renovation on outdated machanics.
Long word short old time players bored and newbies probably never reach to top on any event or raid


Casino owners treat customers like fine gentlemens (and ladies). Ever spend money in a casino, do everything by the rules and feel disrespected?