Instead of more new heroes how about

SG is in the business of making money… I accept that. But they want to get people to spend by adding more heroes and more heroes and oh even more heroes.
The new heroes are creating a serious power creep. Many have expressed concerns that S4 heroes will ultimately make most other heroes obsolete due to the huge gap in stats between them and most other heroes in the game. If this proves to be true F2P and C2P will not be able to keep up like they do now.

I propose that instead of pumping out so many new heroes to instead start pumping up things that can make heroes more playable. Something that is as hard to get as any other 4/5* hero due to summoning odds at the portals. I propose some examples.

Example 1:
Mounts - Horses, dragons, giant snakes, sea turtles, giant hawks, elephants, etc etc.
Each mount can provide unique bonuses to the hero such as : mana speed, dodge, attack,def,hp, crit, pierce, reflect etc. Every mount could be made in different elements, purple horse, red horse, green horse etc, each with its own abilities. The color of the mount determines the color of the hero that can use it. There can be 3/4/5* versions of each mount. Mounts can be restricted to certain types of heroes such as by season, release date, etc. Mounts could give certain heroes more of a bonus versus other heroes. An additional bonus could be given like a family bonus for using multiple mounts of the same kind such as using all horses.

All of these mounts could be available during one mount summon portal available all the time or during a special event, added into certain summon portals or a mix of all of the above.

Example 2:
Enchanted weapons and armor. Each item can provide unique bonuses such as:: mana speed, dodge, attack,def,hp, crit, pierce, reflect etc. Weapons can come in colors and rarity pretty much the same as Example 1 just different names and artwork.

If this were implemented it COULD allow power creep to be addressed. It COULD increase revenue for SG. It SHOULD at least add some variety.

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