In game attack power discrepancy

I’ll start off by saying I did search around for anything on this and I couldn’t find it. I’m generally not good at phrasing my queries properly but here it is. I click on my costume lianna during a battle. Her attack at the top is listed at 992. Her costume attack is 848. I have +75 attack in her talent grid. How are we arriving at the 992 number? I can’t get any math to work. Note:I’m absolutely atrocious at math. Enclosed are three photos.

The troop attack factors in…


Dammit!!! I knew I was missing something! Thanks. I would still like to know the math however. My troop on her would be +17% attack.

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Ok so I figured it out. It’s her 848 attack plus the 17% troop equals 992. She doesn’t get the costume bonus when she’s wearing the costume? But there are other discrepancies. (Yes I know I’m having a conversation with myself here) on her stats with the costume bonus. Attack of 787. So base stat of 729 plus 22 points from the talent grid which is 751. Plus 5% costume bonus is 788.5. Why only 787 listed? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Master - the card values do not include Troop bonuses. Your card values include all your Talent and Costume bonuses. When you switch from Original to Costume, all three of your attributes are balanced differently than the original - nothing to do with the Costume bonus. This generates a slightly different hero. In this case, Lianna has more attack and defense rating, but much lower heart/health. Lianna in the costume hits harder, but is a bit squishier.


Totally get what you’re saying. However I think I have it figured out. The costume bonus factors in on regular lianna but not costume lianna. So reg lianna has attack of 729 +5% costume bonus which is 765, then adding the 22points from the talent grid is 787. It’s just weird how they add the talent grid after the costume bonus.

I wasn’t going off of her base stats. That needed a whole other search. I do believe I have answered all my own questions? I don’t know. Just close this thread before I do anymore damage to myself. No more topic posting for me.

The costume bonus factors into costume Lianna also, but you never actually see the non-bonus stats on the costume side to see how the bonus is being applied.

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The stats for the maxed costume without the costume bonus can be viewed in the inventory.

Not super useful since the maxed costume will never have those base stats, but can sate some intellectual curiosity nonetheless.


Yes. Should have said it isn’t factored in when calculating the damage output after all the additions. I’m sure it factors in somewhere but it’ll take a better mind than mine to figure it out.
Edit: it’s 5% added to base costume before emblems. Ugh. I really need this thread to disappear. But thanks for tolerating me!

And there you have it… I have those moments all the time. :cry: