Hi Guys, I am looking for a new alliance been stuck where I am too long.
Really want to be part of a team that uses all war flags and is more active.
I’m at lvl 63 at the moment and have a pretty good bank of heroes. I am currently always top attacker against titans and in wars.
My defense team TP is 4850 to 5100 depending on who im running.
Troops are my weakness - slightly and for the moment. So my Rainbow Manas are between 11 and 19 atm but building all to at least 23 soon and got 40 troop tokens saved which im holding for the next magic tower.
Please let me know whoever’s looking for good people and also please give instructions (dont know what a line group is ) Thanks All.
A World of Pain is always looking for new members. We generally hit 14* titans and we use all war flags. Let me know if you’re interested. We can also help you get used to using the Line App.
Hey @McNaulty !!! Crew-Jesters has one open spot. We are killing 14* titans, having a relaxed war strategy and a drama free environment. We are competitive in every aspect of the game and with our knowledgeable members you will always be able to have a second opinion. We are using the line app but don’t worry we can teach you everything about it. If you are interested send us a message in line id kloster31
We will be happy to chat further with you!
Hi, you may want to have look at the Guardians family of alliances (Guardians Reborn, Guardians Ascending, Guardians of the North!, Guardians University, Guardians Rising and Guardians Academy from top to bottom).
From your description I read you might perfectly fit into where I am. Guardians of the North! We hit 12* titans and those 13* rare, use all our flags and are a very relaxed but chatty alliance. If you are interested just sent me a PM. We are both on Discord and on Line, so whatever you prefer will be fine.
TBD is recruiting. Just filled out war chest, so perfect time to check us our
Titan hits required; war flags must be used if opted in. Coordinated tanks. Check out our recruitment thread, below. If you’ve got any questions, you’re welcome to check out our discord server, too.
We have one space that’s become available over the weekend. Come and join us at HamNation. Currently going from strength to strength, Titans are 11,12 and 13. Only rules are to participate, hit Titans and use all war flags, with the option to opt out. Friendly helpful bunch. We don’t use Line, we use Discord, but only if you want to.
check our family out: Ascendant Family for all your alliance needs
we have multiple alliances for different level players or different types of players, ranging from casual to strict:
Ascendant Universe
Ascendant Rising
Ascendant Immortals
Ascendant Blinks (my home)
Ascendant Slayers
Ascendant Super Squad
Ascendant Cookies Horde
we have something for everyone.
if you have line you can reach out to our recruiters and they will help you out:
Maniac’s line ID: maniac58330
Diovany’s line ID: the_recruiter
note: when you install line app, you cant automatically join a group, you need to be invited. in order to do so, you need someone from the group to invite you. hence you add that person on line and they invite you to any group they are in. thats why i provided you with line app IDs
Join Blood Brigade, we have 4 open spots we use all war flags , you’ll be promoted right away , we cap titans at 12* unless rare so you’ll save more battle items , we finish top 700 in everything (mythic titan, Alliance Quest), we’re very strong mid tier active reliable alliance that has many former top 100 alliance members here and we can easily help you, line isnt required , if interested join or reply to this message and say GD sent u I’m the Leader along with Storm.
Hi McNaulty. If you are still looking for an alliance, we may have the place for you. We just started a new alliance three days ago. There are only two of us at the moment, but we are looking for active players. The alliance is Dragon Cohort TMA. The 2 current members have been playing together for 4 years, and we are both committed and active. It sounds like you are exactly the kind of player we are looking for. Just request to join and mention in the request that Mimi sent you
If you haven’t found a home @McNaulty consider us - 7Titans family is a very helpful community
You should be able to just click the link once you’ve downloaded the free discord app.
7TITANS NEWORDER:four_leaf_clover:
An opportunity is available for active, keen players looking for a well organised and team orientated alliance. Titan hits are expected - taking down Titans are a team effort! Killing 11-12star titans. Use all war flags when opting in to war! We have free-for-all wars, with a unified defense which changes on each war rule. Discord is mandatory- You’ll love it! It’s where all the research is accessed and shared, along with game guides and hero info. You cannot catch everything that is passed on through in game chat! Participation in Mythic titan and alliance quest events is asked - the rest, you do as you wish. Ideally seeking around level 45+ Happy to help with levelling prioritisation, and roster development, attack strategies and general gameplay techniques - we’ve been a training alliance for 2 years so we’ve got it down
A sense of humour and a real enthusiasm to learn, grow and work as a team is most valued.
7Titans discord server is a generous community of new and vet players who are happy to help you out with questions and shared info! This server is open to the public. An alliance is more than just a bunch of people doing their own thing - a great alliance will enhance your game experience, keeping it exciting and that is what will keep you playing. Hit me up privately or in our server if you’d like further info - we want the right fit for everyone, to benefit both alliance and player.