I'm confused - no one cares?- No compensation for server outage?

I was farming provinces and got a red flask.

Naturally I would prefer: a purple flask, a hero token, 50 emblems, a bunch of tickets, or ALL of these (and more). notice tongue firmly in cheek!

However I think it’s kinda cool that their response was tailored to the action I was actually taking at that moment. Kudos SG. :+1::wink:


I agree @Rook.
SG took the time to identify who was logged on, and what they were doing at the time, and tailored accordingly.
I was also farming and got a WE flask.

Well done SG :grin:


I got a raid flask. That fits, because I was in the middle of a raid battle when the game crashed.

Great that SG compensate those who lost flags by using logs. But no compensation for those who lost their playtime window (because no logs can prove it). Still better than nothing.

I was in alliance chat talking about donuts…I have yet to receive a donut in the mail as compensation…:rage::rage::rage:


I got Raid Flask as I was raiding at the time. I agree they tailored them.

My fiancé got a red bottle because he lost 20 flags on morlovia

Received the same. I was in the middle of an advancement stage.

I was using the bathroom during The Great Server Crash of 2019, and I didn’t get sh*t…


I agree, I was confused because the game not working on Ireland too and I uninstall the game and I install back because I was thinking is my phone problems and then suddenly afther 20 min work again

I see a little bit of Pittsburghese there. Where are you from?

So SG identified all who were playing at the time of the crash and lo and behold you were not one of them. So why again were you looking for compensation?

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Some were so frustrated that they smashed their phones on the table and sadly got ‘spider app’ due to this. SG should buy them a new display now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you start a thread, and tell devs how you really feel in the vocabulary of your choice, your forum account will definitely be deleted


I was in a meeting when servers went offline. Sure enough, I was rewarded with another meeting this morning. :sob:


I was in the middle of the final Morlovia quest as I stated above, they compensated me with a world energy flask which more than covers the inconvenience. They probably won’t see this, but Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.


Btw if anyone want info what happened. Here screenshot from announcements section:

So they don’t much care this time to write enough good message even.
So that post proved that game not works for Everyone (and as I said people lost their playtime window, lost their time on forum publishing and checking etc) and their time isn’t worth anything.
I agree in whole that Devs gives compensation to those who lost flags (right move) in whole. But I highly dislike how in details they failed. Especially after no proper messaging (because I have concerns about announcements section that not many looks there, but to be sure created poll, because can be wrong and everyone look there).

P.S. not to say that world flask for everyone else except those who was compensated already changing nothing but gives satisfactory feeling and right feedback.

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Fault doesn’t really matter. May not be devs fault but still their responsibility. Issuing out compensation costs them nothing.

Seriously guys, people who demand compensation for life’s little inconsequential tragedies are statistically more likely to be yawned at. Give it a rest. It’s a game. No harm done.