🏯 Iga - 5* Holy / Yellow from Ninja Tower

Oh, alright. Thanks for mentioning this!

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Is IGA worth LB2? 20 characters

Oh yes! If I had him I would instantly do it. Very new hero, so very good stats and extremely powerful special skill. You won’t regret it!


Yes, I agree - primarily because of the fiend cap increase.

Well I was trying for one of the featured heroes in the covenant portal and pulled another Iga. I was honestly hoping for any of the others. Oh well - I guess I will level a 2nd one. Seems like it could be beneficial to have two on an attacking team.

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I assume you are very happy with this one since you are willing to level a 2nd. Is he dominant on offense? Or just really only useful for bloody battle?

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He’s dominant if I can get 12 yellow tiles. I try to keep him alive long enough for that. Usually if that happens I will end up winning cause 3 opponents are dead. If I can get him charged up to 3x the other team is wiped but that’s hard to do.


I did mine, but he is very situational because tons of characters are immune to everything he does, and he is useless against teams with multiple healers or hathor. Stay away from hathor type characters all together.

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I run a whale team of Von Rothbart, C Zhuge, Sludgus, Iga, Whitefang. just my main team I use to fight the Global top 10 teams. I would def level a 2nd Iga. he is great on attack!

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What does hathor do to iga? Fiends go through and manage to stay alive at least 2 hathor specials. I find hathor very weak against Iga.

Im using Iga quite a lot on offense and he makes your team capably of carrying extra healers more than having problems dealing with healer heavy teams.

Ramona is a total beast for heroes like Toon Viv and Nautica…I’m curious if Iga is also similar? If so, worth the mats all day. If not, I’m not sure I want to give him my darts just yet as I have Melodymuse waiting too.

Another question - if the fiend absorbs all the healing, does it do damage when it disappears?

The fiends won’t do any damage if they get healed off. Sadly.

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Igas fiends doesnt deal dmg if removed by healing.

My iga is 90+25 full attack path. Full charge (3) special fiends do around 700dmg per turn, 2250 when detonated and can stand usually 1900-2000hp enemy healing.

If you manage to 3rd charge Iga and use tiles in a way that enemy doesnt heal them off its most likely over for all of them. You can also do the same with 1 or 2 charges against 1-3 heroes.

Even after saying that I would like to mention he is not all around hero in offense and doesnt really suite in any defence.

→ One of the best attack heroes and I would lvl up another one if I had.


Nope, incorrect.

The fiends still go through but the debuff that causes the big damage when they go away is gone. And costume hathor heals the fiends away from the first two level fiends. I haven’t checked the level 3 fiends yet.

I have no idea what youre saying.

In your picture Hathor heals 480hp and the fiend has +1800hp. It can stand 4 hathor specials before disappearing. And hathor status immunity doesnt block fiend dmg per turn or dmg which is caused when 3 turns are over (big explode). Fiend per turn dmg or explosion arent status effects.

Edit. Even if hathors passive +10% extra heal happens its only 250-400hp extra healing. Which still makes fiends able to stand at least 2 specials.

Video contains:

  1. Hathor special
  2. Igas fiends go through and deal dmg per turn
  3. Hathor special - fiends lose like 1/5 of their hp
  4. Big dmg pops when hathors status immunity buff is still on (mena reduces it coz of softskin, diaochan takes full 2000dmg)

Ok, fair enough, im incorrect, i wasn’t seeing the debuff and my opponents weren’t dying either, so i just figured it wasn’t going off. Ill go back and confirm on my own team, but just looking at your video that may be what happened. As for healing them off, your math may be correct but my fiends still disappear without doing any damage form one axtivation from costume hathor, when i was testing. Im an older gentleman who still chases women in my spare time, so i can’t record my video games like you guys. (Unless you want to become a friend and teach me) ill go back and confirm if its still like that since i got him completely maxed out.
Im not crapping on iga he is one of the 8 or 9 cards i felt good enough about to double limit break him. My only real complaint i have for him is him being yellow. If he were blue he would be my favorite character ever made even with all the characters that are immune to him.


Thanks @BaronzOfficial @koira (great video). I really like shutting down a healer similar to Ramona. Having a win condition on full charge even though it’s not often is appealing too. Hmm I’ll give him some thought as I level him.


I believe he will now rock in defense of new bloody battle wars.


The hero card now contains the latest stat changes.

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Question, i have iga up to 87. I thought i read that one you double limit break his fiend gets 2000 health. Mine has 900. Am i missing something?