How much do you spend on Atlantis pulls and what have you gotten?

My first question is, did he tell you, or did he show you a picture/screenshot of it? I don’t think that the percentages change. Maybe he was looking at the wrong thing, and ended up conveying wrong information?

He typed all 4 in the Alliance chat. Is it suppose to be. 9?

Since there are S1 and S2 heroes, the odds of receiving is about .9 for a S2 5*. Maybe that was meant.

I’ve done one single pull off the coins and have saved the rest - Ariel.

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Just saved up enough gems to do a 10x pull and got:
8x 3* I already had (including 3x Gil-Ra)
1x Namahage
1X Wilbur ( very happy to finally have him!)
Bonus pull - Got a Frida ( I was happy to get her so the whole pull didn’t seem like a waste)

Looks like all my pulls minus the HOTM and good 4*.

2-10 pulls, 5 individual. 1st 10 - Pulled all feeders, and Marj (duplicate). Then 2nd 10 pull got all 3* feeders and HOTM Frida. Did 5 more individual pulls for good luck, and realized I should have quit while I was ahead. Costed around 75$, blah, cheaper than smoking.

Gaiderus is just fine, I got it as well and I’m happy to have him, actually I always want it seems I play game.
I have 400 coins and I get 4 garbage and Kunchen bonus and then I have buy another 1600 gem’s and get Gaiderus and Agwe and rest 3* garbage so all expenses was 10€

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Really, it’s all luck. Didn’t expect to get anything good, and don’t have the telescopes for Frida, probably why I was able to pull her, the game knew she’s gonna sit at 3/70 forever, lol.

I do 30x summons plus Atlantis coins on Atlantis gates that feature at least 3 heroes I want or I just skip the Atlantis. I usually pull at least 2 featured heroes, one non featured 5* plus an HOTM in a 30x pull. Atlantis is where all my luck is at as event or seasonal 5* heroes rarely come my way.

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I’ve done a lot of Atlantis summons snd I’ve gotten nothing from them. In almost 2 mnths I havent gotten over a 3* hero and that’s with multiple 10 summons and Atlantis, making me want to try out a new game with less greedy game producers, I’m on a spending freeze snd I suggest everyone go on one to get their attention and let them know it’s the players that make the game NOT the greedy game makers!!