How effective is Joon 5* 3.70 in raids/ war versus 4* 4.70 from Legendary training

==Good Bits==

Well RNGesus is just messing with me. Jackal. The 3* Orbs go to Jackal.

==Long rant==

I was storing finished heroes in legendary training until I summoned a good 5* hero in Atlantis summons ( mostly I use it to store 24.7 million food, but the 3*/ 4*/ 5* heroes would be helpful to level a good 5* hero ) or summon a HotM that I need for my team ( I have several HotM but either lack materials to level them or have the materials but they do not fit on my team ).

But there is a second builder incident and suddenly I have 5* 1.1 Joon. So I post to the forum, listen to the replies, and decide to level Joon to 5* 3.70 with 3* Orbs.

My first summons today is Guardian Jackal. This woke up Gryphonkit, my wife.

I am now have the problem of leveling Jackal to 4* 4.70 and Joon to 5* 3.70. I will now be buying 3* Orbs ( and perhaps a compass ) the next time they appear in a calendar sale.

This my readers is how casinos stay in business. I will remember this day for the next five to eight years.

I now name my Joon “The ill timed” for once again, if it was not for another hero, he would get all the attention.