How do you build war depth?

Hi FinishBJ! Thank you. I’ve got an unexpected promotion. :slight_smile:
How is your new alliance? We might meet once in AW. :crossed_swords:


My last alliance used purple tanks almost every single time. It got boring actually because it’s nice to switch it up. Although purple tank is a decent strategy against alliances mostly using 4* heroes. Yellow 4* aren’t very good.

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I have only just started playing in the last few weeks but so far i have used all colours and i try to level them all up at the same time. So far i have just over 2000 in team power and am at level 17

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Surprised this wasn’t mentioned sooner. And i was going to just focus on all my darks at one point but figured i would have ran myself out of mats so just working on heros of every color i think helps keep a healthy reserve of mats while also still making progress on my roster.

If i had 50 trap tools at least then I’d probly focus mainly on dark heros since yellow is a common tank color


It probably isn’t mentioned because it’s not like we can really choose which colours we get apart from an elemental Summon… And even then you might get 10 Greymanes and not the great 4s or 5s we are looking for

But good point from @Kerridoc


Like @Rigs I primarily focused on titans. It will always be my first priority. After I had titan teams good enough to satisfy me I started building support characters, mainly 4* s also healers and hitters, and some 5* to 3/70. Also I have seen both green and purple tanks strategy, most with sartana or aeron.


I am thinking of keeping my next 2 Kash`s and forming a Kash-Aegir-Kash-Aegir-Kash defense. See if it makes people quit immediately or not :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Nice lol let me know how it goes. You tryin this for war?

My approach was to level healers first. Enough that I could bring 2 to each attack if needed. Next priority was dispellers, after that was fast attackers. My personal rating of 4* healers is:

Kirli and Boldtusk
Melendor, Sabina, Rigard

I’ve done ok in wars. By no means am I in the top hitters. This strategy has worked well for me to date.

I usually got 3/2 on colour. In each war I try to include 2 healers and 3 hitters with at least one dispeller on the team.


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Depends on needed, in my case when I got Wu, I gave all food to make him fat asap . For this event I need proteus so I gave him a lot of food and nutrition delicious 3* so I can us him asap.

Otherwise, color feeder is my option to optimize the result and comsume less food with that way.

Tell me the result after you doing this defense. Lol

This is good strategy. I would like to add that the 2 healers should be a mix of
Kirli/Boldtusk (choose 1)
Melendor, Sabina, Rigard (choose 1)

May I ask how many viable teams do you have?
I personally also would like to have 2 healers per team but there are just too many interesting heroes to keep me occupied instead of leveling another same hero

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I can field 6 good teams. I have 63 heroes that are war ready. That includes several dupes that are at 3/60 for 4* and 3/70 for 5*.

The little ones do die quick occasionally but they help with colour stacking. 4* mvp are the healers and fast dispels.

I need to get a few more of each colour as most alliances go with the same colour tanks.

Dont underestimate the value of the 4* 3/60. Easy to get them to that level. They add a lot of value to your bench.

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I have a few heroes at 3/60. Currently I find a team of 3/60 is not good 1 vs 1, unless it’s against a team under 3000. They are only good at removing remnants.

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I dont use them as a full team. I try to spread my maxed heroes across the 6 flags. The 3/60s are fillers. Usually only use 1 or 2 in a team.

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You dont rope pulverizers in with dispellers and healers? Before i had 30+ maxed heros, i leveled duplicate pulverizers to 3/60 for wars. I thought thet helped a bit and were cheap to level

Yes! Healers are what made me keep on playing quite frankly. I was about to give up the game when I pulled Kiril.

That said, I think Cyprian is overlooked a lot (I did for a long time).

You can kill a lot of excellent teams with a well timed Cyprian (Boril too but I prefer Kiril, Sonya and Grimm)

I’m not in furious agreement re dispellers but yeah why not. Sabina and Melendor tend to die too easily, but Caedmon and Sonya could be a different proposition

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I have never liked riposte. I also have Cyprian at 3-60 and never thought anything of her. That skill is really passive and good only against AOE attackers. alot of time, sniper don’t even hit the active targets. And even if they do hit, you sustain damage as well. Each time a neighbour died, the riposte hero becomes a little bit more useless.

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60% chance to hit sniper, 100% chance for AOE - pretty good odds

That’s why you pair Cyprian with 2+ healers (although point taken, yes)


I didn’t read it all but my approach has been generally Rigard (I have 4)+ Tusk (3)/Kiril 2) + a mix of fast mana 4 with my 5*. This generally produces about a 3600-3700 attack team which generally can beat a 4k team plus or at least blow out the center. If this makes sense.