HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

No worries. Seems like that’s happening more often lately. I’m wondering if there’s a way to make it more clear that the profile view is only for viewing… I’ll have to think about it.

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Agreed, +1000 for for mobile support. Great site :+1:


Just a suggestion but a link to ‘my heroes’ in the drop down under your username might help if possible? I missed the profile section on the main menu section in mobile view first time around so maybe others may have done the same? Alternatively I’m just below average ability! :joy:

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I’m having problems creating a sub account. I click “create sub-account”, and get the window to enter a username. When I enter the name, and then click create, I get an error message that says “ ! Enter a username”.

The create button just circles indefinitely and the cancel button is greyed out.

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Thanks, I’ll have a fix for that up tonight!

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Actually I just pushed a fix… give it a shot in a minute or two.

Good project ! :+1: :heart:

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That worked!! Thanks!

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no. thank you @GDIBass ! amazing work!

as a piece of advice! mute this topic and do what you do best: code!
in the end you’ll be bitter and dissapointed of ungratefull comments if you read it all…

keep it up! like! like! like!

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Hah, I get a lot of good feedback/bug reports from this thread. Only 1 or 2 questionable comments I can remember. :slight_smile:

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saw this and agreed with you:

Ahh yeah. I’d heard a rumor from a few people about it, and this was around the time some of the scamming rumors from one of the top 100 alliance leaders was going around. I think the rumors were about another tool that was de-comm’d and people had just mixed up the two, but it was worth making sure.


Issue: cannot assign C.Rigard to Trials of Serenity and Trials of Nature.

Can assign only to one team and not to both.

Try equipping the costume in the My Heroes tab?

@Guvnor equipped.

Sometimes if I set Rigard for Trials of Serenity, I cannot set him to Trials of Nature.

I need to switch to another trial and then Rigard will appear under Nature tab.

Hmm odd… @GDIBass may have some more info?

Thanks, I’ll try to replicate. Does he show up in the list at all?

Huzzah, 2 bugs. One on the back end guarding teams that didn’t have classes, the other on the front end where it wasn’t re-running filter checks when the used heroes changes. I’ve fixed both and will be pushing it up shortly.

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The back end one is fixed, so you should be able to add the hero now. The front end one has some cache preventing it from working. You can fix it for the time being by just running “clear filters” on the filters modal. I’m going to give the cache a bit, rather than forcing any invalidation. If it’s not fixed by tomorrow I’ll force an update.

Edit: Looks fixed. Thank you for reporting it @rilian !

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yea, i figured it out - drag & drop with 0.5 sec delay before setting new hero was confusing. I was not patient enough :smiley: