Hero Costumes Discussion

I suppose. I’d still rather have a new hero than a slight tweak on an old one that I already have. I got a Rigard costume and I will use it, but that was pretty much best case scenario for me

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The point was raised that if you find new hawkmoon so offensive, why did old hawkmoon not cause any issues… Derived from the same theme?

Also as a FYI, this is a community forum. Company and developers rarely contribute or interact…

I dare say, most of these costume versions looked better when assessed Vis-a-vis their specials…some costume specials are like flips of the base heroes specials… e.g Vivic costume…then for those with new additional specials Quintus, Lianna, and others as well Brienne etc have their specials focused attacks on enemies rather than buffering allies making then safe against the like of Finleys…

Then the renewed grinding…Additional grinding… Well the game is pivots on grinding anyway… A little better though with less XP required to speed up costumes’ lvling but now at the expense of maxing the specials. Another positive is, just one costume of a particular hero is needed and therein can be shared amongst many dups of that hero, though each has to be leveled separately…grinding…grinding

Although as it is, the keys seem a little bit in short supply, may be other sources would be added as the feature progresses, right now the only way for more costume summons is gems… That in itself is not entirely new, as it’s similar to Atlantis.

But then, skin now costume was intended to address S1 heroes, right? Well, may not be on the popular side, but I will say the intro as it is, is not bad.

I did find several of the characters, including Hawkmoon offensive. War bonnets, as depicted in the new art rendering are an especially touchy subject for my community. I honestly think the problem goes beyond the company and should be discussed as a community
as we are the people playing the game. Honestly, I doubt that only white people around the world are playing this game. How other people feel about the game’s interpretations of their cultures should be discussed. If everyone else is happy, that is fine. I’m
not, and that is why I said something.

And that’s fine. Nobody is stopping you from being upset.

I’m just giving you the heads up that a) you came on pretty strong and b) that there isn’t anything that we can really do… I mean have a look at how many people have been up in arms about how ■■■■ Margaret is yet nothing has been done. It’s selective in what gets changed and fixed so don’t hold your breath :slight_smile:

The release of costumes actually made me delete mycredit card from Google Play. I’m done. I can see that I spent around 25$/month since starting to play, and what do I have for it? Now I dont even have the heroes I used to have! I cant keep up with all the quests etc. Costumes are just really stupid and superfluous. I dont want to level Li Xiu all over again. This will alienate a lot of F2P, and possibly push many down “the ranks” from Whale → P2P, P2P → C2P, C2P → F2P, or possibly leave.
I tried to start up an alt, and it was incredibly overwhelming, with all those … things you couldnt do. The game has gotten too complicated. I started out last fall, and have grown with the game, so to speak - finished atlantis as it came out, leveled stronghold as the levels came out etc. But newcomers now? I pity the fools.


I was trinking the same…Richard with fully leveled costume and 11 Talents:


@Danmakine, you don’t have to… You can choose to use the costume or not… Nobody is making you do it… Nobody is even making you participate in all the quests or get costumes…


So I have a question here, for example, I have some rogue emblems saved earlier, I got maxed Liana with 0 emblem on her, also got her costume. Once after I max the costume, can I spend those rogue emblems on it since it changes her class to rogue?


Check the FAQs

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First of all Lianna uses ranger emblems and her costume is cleric.

But you can only use ranger emblems to level her through her original character.

You have to choose the path correctly by referring to her costume.

Why oh why would Rigard become a Ranger class? :sob:


I don’t even try to understand why you and other people here are complaining about an amazing feature. I’m not a spender myself and most gems I collect are from VIP. Mostly, I use my free summons (Atlantis and event coins, EHT and now the keys).

About Li Xiu… Did you even try to see what is all about? Took me 10 minutes to finish her costume with all kind of feeders from TC 11. Levelling is insanely fast, is not like levelling a hero. Feeders are free, ham is free. And I used a single orb of magic.

She is amazing, especially for those didn’t get Neith and lack yellow heroes. I don’t have any yellow 5* on my alt, but look at my Neith 2.0

Amazing stats. Rogue! 5% faster than Neith :smile:


What’s TayTay say?

“Haters Gunna hate hate hate!”
Credit: Taylor Swift


I just dont put on the costume, just using the bonus from it. So Richard became a better Paladine :slight_smile:


*better cleric :wink:


Although she causes more damage, it was Li Xiu’s 20% mana cut I found useful. Only 10% now :confounded:.

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Same here - just use the bonus - its quite a boost::

  1. |Li Xiu|616|665|1098|150% AOE, Mana -20%|
  2. |with Bonus|660|690|1189|
  3. |with costume|660|690|1189|180% AOE, Mana -10%|

Mana cut is just a delay in both situations, 10% or 20%. This remains unchanged. The enemies will remain without specials nevertheless. But the damage is great now for an AoE. And I must rework the entire talent grid, because a rogue requires ONLY atk path. And now the path is totally wrong. The dumbest thing the devs did with these costumes and also, most frustrating for the players. I will waste a day of collected resources only to reset the grid. Anyway, the stats will change atk/def. HP not so much, because a rogue has to choose the atk/HP path anyway. With the new attack stat, Li Xiu will be one of the best AoE in the game, not only because of her damage, but also being faster than all average and slow existing heroes.

I will post the new Li, after I will reset and rework her path.


Awesome… You know I’ll just follow your lead :wink:. Thank you in advance my friend.