Hero Costumes Discussion

Oh sorry. Thanks for the Tip

do we already have some assessments / overview / discussion which costumes are an objective improvement for the hero and are worth the leveling?

OK thanks for the Answere

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Probably not :stuck_out_tongue:
Some people say they all suck and that SG are just money grubbing thieves.

Others are more optimistic (like myself) and say that each costume has a place.

Some that immediately stand out to me are:

  • Brianne - essentially a 3* version of Athena now
  • Hawkmoon - got a massive bonus in the attack buffā€¦ Now a mini BT
  • Tyrum - now have a 3* ally dispellerā€¦ Donā€™t think there really was one before
  • Gunnar - the offensive half of Wilbur that was missing beforeā€¦ I might even level a second one if I get that skin so I got offence and defence part.
  • Sonya - same thingā€¦ Now have another ally dispeller where there used to really be just rigsrd in the 4*
  • Rigard - now have a purple attack buffer. Kept some healing so thatā€™s nice.
  • Lianna - became a version of Alasie who is widely considered the best blue sniper to date (contested really only by Alice)
  • Vivica - now has the option to defence down the enemyā€¦ Something that was missing entirely from holy heroes (excepting the new white rabbit)

Others that have had a big change but are still crappppp

  • Quintus - now has an attack downā€¦ So basically a purple horghall

Most of the rest havenā€™t changed much at allā€¦ couple percent here and there

Melendor is the exception as I actually like his vanilla more than the new oneā€¦ But maybe thatā€™s just me.


Mel will be a beast in 4* buff nonus tournaments. Also, his defense bonus is pretty strong, especially for people who donā€™t have all the shiny 5* that buff defense.

Oh, one hero that many forget to mention is Horghall. His - 54 % attack is brutal. However, most of us will never draw him anyway :sad:

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Iā€™ll yield the Mel case. Hadnā€™t considered that

Not horghall thoā€¦ Heā€™s still slow as ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦ Even with the boosted stats and costume (if I were unlucky enough to get it) Iā€™ll still not be spending 6 tonics on him :stuck_out_tongue:

Same amount of xp, but feeders give double xp.

Also, food costs are 75% of normal leveling.

* based on a quick check with a 3* costume.

But, but, but, he battled through fire and death to become Gandalf the WhitešŸ˜±

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I donā€™t understand what you mean by the base hero gets a boost, I have looked, and the base hero is unchanged. Am I being my usual numpty?

Going to power level Hawkmoon. Letā€™s see how she fares in a red stack with 2 Namahage against a green tank (I suppose I will meet in combat the bear or Tuck).

Only if you want to use both Boldtusks at the same time. The costume applies to all copies of a hero (i.e. you only need one of each costume), but you have to level each hero in the costume individually.

So in your hypothetical case, you would probably want to level the costume on your maxed Boldtusk first.

You can see a screenshot below. I only have one Hawkmoon costume, but I have two of them dressed in it at the same time. When I leveled it up on one, the other stayed at level 1.1.


So true but at least the heroes wonā€™t be useless and you can change classes that are overcrowded like monk and ranger.

Go to the normal hero, and see the mask in the upper left corner?

Tap that :slight_smile:

Works the same as a family boost and troopsā€¦ Stats increase before battle but not a buff

5 aus dem Postfach, 6 aus von der Quest :fox_face:

Here is a video with all lvls of new quests and some explanation about the new costumes

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I have a question, couldnā€™t find it in this thread so far.

I have aquired a costume for Hawkmoon.
And I have 2 x Hawkmoon:
HM#1 @ 3-50
HM#2 @ 1-1

I can not put the costume on HM#1, because she is locked in the current tournament - understood.
I can put on the costume on HM#2 - OK

I can level the costume on HM#1 (just select her from the hero roster, select the costume and hit the upgrade button) - tested an works. However, this costumed HM#1 is weaker than the non costumed HM#1, because the costume has no levels. - understood

I can also level the costume on HM#2 (same procedure as above, just noted that the costume-level started again at the lowest level (new hero = new costume level) - weird but ok)
Now, this costumed HM#2 is in fact stronger than normal HM#2, because the costume now has levels on it. - understood.

Now, hereā€™s the catch:
And because I can level costumed HM#2 much faster, due to the XP-multiplier that I get from levelling the costume, I see no point in levelling costumed HM#1.
In fact I get HM#2 at max Level, but much faster and cheaper - And I have 2 HMs for AW or whatever.

TL:DR: Levelling a costume is much cheaper than levelling the original hero, but with better results - so why level the costume original hero??

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Just received in my inbox a gift of 5 keys. And this happenedā€¦

Needless to say, I will level itā€¦


Thanks but not quite what I was getting at. Say I donā€™t have Joon in my war defence team. My first attack I use Joon. Attack 2, can I use the costume Joon or will that be ā€˜hero already usedā€™ message and be greyed out. If not this seems a very good cheap way of attaining an extra 5* hero for the war.

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Not 100% known but i lean towards no.

someone made a new thread about this here:

Because the costume is locked at the same ascention as the hero you applied it to.

So if you apply to a 1-1 hero and then level the costume, you canā€™t take the costume to tier 2 until the hero is at tier 2.