⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Noor

It is not a small niche, it is facing any team with a summoner. She is actually not my strongest minion counter, I have Skadi and Grimble who counter minions better. But she does a good job of minion countering whilst helping herself and her team with survivability

I think there are a couple of Bera/Frigg/Oding combos in this lot. These are the ones I try to target the most these days so I can improve my gameplay, but I have to climb to around 2700 cups before they become prevalent.

I wouldn’t take Noor unless there is a minion summoner as tank, or at least 2 other minion summoners. That just doesn’t play to her strengths. I’d take on a lot more BK teams if I had a decent dispeller, but if I can find a BK tank with flank summoner I’ll take them on.

Krampus is a similar story but he is a summoner, so just for you I’ll take him on