⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Khufu

  1. Milena and Ruby hurt much less. Lower hit %, no extra sand damage, no elemental defense down.
  2. You can force both Milena and Ruby to fire early on their early charge by damaging them. It’s fairly easy to make them go off.
  3. They might go off on an early charge by themselves.

Khufu on a defense is just a crazy beast.

I agree. Especially when teamed with Xnolpod or Ludwig. When your tiles are not good enough it’s game over in no time. And he doesn’t even have to fire a second time for that.

This hero is too strong. Even if we move him to very slow character he will be too good. 5x sniper attack + status ailment + 2 passive ailment

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It’s funny that this thread started calling for a buff and now people are complaining that he’s too strong


I still request a buff to make him useful in more areas than Rush or titan.
But I can also change view, thinking that if you have a lot of other heroes, then this is a good complement to only Rush and titan.

Kufu, Paperboy and Horus should be better, considering that they are S5 which is new and based on beta info about upcoming new heroes.

Happy gaming


I agree, heroes are getting stronger and Khufu can easily counter with a 4* reposte heroes. (Azmia, Ferant …Boril)

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I agree with this 100% and thats the point. To get both of these to that nuke option, Khufu does it quicker and thats the end of the match. From what I’ve seen also, if you do survive, the passives do the rest of the damage

Khufu is a much weaker attacker than he is defender.

If khufu manages to hit all of your heroes with his chain mechanic, you’re not going to care he has a “chain mechanic” and the way you feel about him will likely be that he is even better than a “hit all” hero like milena.

But the reality is, he has a chain mechanic like sir roostleys (an older hero you rarely see on defense due to power creep) , but with an even slower mana speed - a fact that I’m sure is of no comfort to those that faced a khufu that managed to chain through to 5.


My take is slightly different.

At the second tier, milena is guaranteed to hit all - at 420% damage if I’m not mistaken.

Say milena and khufu both have a 3% cumulative mana bonus, they will take the same number of tiles to charge (second tier for milena).

Again, say milena and khufu both have a 12% cumulative mana bonus, they will again take the same number of tiles to charge (also second tier for milena).

It makes sense to me that with a guarantee to hit all, a hero should do less damage than a hero that has to rely on a chain mechanic to hit all. 30% to me seems not that much considering the guarantee. Milena is guaranteed to dispel buffs from all. Khufu does EDD to one. Different functions so I can understand valuing each differently.

But up to this point, I haven’t mentioned milenas versatility. A point I’d make similarly if talking about ruby.

Milena gets a ton of value from being able to serve different roles, hit all, heal all, dispel buffs from all, cleanse ailments from all.

If I were to use milena as some sort of reference point to compare value with khufu, I think it would be an incomplete comparison without mentioning milena’s versatility.


You’re picking oneof the strongest heroes to compare Khufu to. Khufu has the chain condition, but his passives also have a chance to add a bunch more damage. I think Khufu is actually more comparable to Cristobal with his conditional second charge, 430% damage to all of the enemy had more than 50% health. And In that comparison, there’s no doubt that Khufu is better (IMO).

I get the frustration with the chain ability, but I’m shocked at the number of people that think this hero is not OP.


I am sure that after this turnee they’ll see it otherwise, i met him few times and everytime i was shocked at the dammage he makes :rage: and trust me i am not usually complaining about any hero, i think this is my first time i say it out loud :sweat_smile:

Fair enough. I mentioned this before but the passives beyond what he does, is what is killer. Melina does give 10% mana which is nice but it doesn’t compare to what Khufu can do with the passives. I’m looking at the whole picture here.

Both are extremely good but I’ve yet to have Melina take my whole team out at near full health, I can’t say the same thing about Khufu.

Personally, I was shocked people were asking for a buff. Even in his prior state, with the passives, he was very very good in my opinion.

Btw, I have Khufu so this just what I’ve observed

I have him and he is about half way up the 2nd Ascension. if paired correctly he crushes defenses. Especially green. I can’t wait to top him off. He is slow, but not so much as to not make a difference

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Offense vs defense is apples and oranges. Milena is far and away the better attacker (maybe the best attacker in the game). I’m talking defense only.

This hero is imbalanced, and anyone who says otherwise has no interest in balance.

No one hero should be doing 900+ damage all by himself AND have all these passives/specials. He’s completely ridiculous and should not exist in his current form. If you get hit, even at full health, your health bar drops to next to nothing and you die a turn or two later from sand damage… if you don’t die right away, that is.

But SG has zero interest in balance these days so they won’t care.


He’s strong (especially when his “passive” kicks in) but balanced by his slow speed. Hero that is slow should almost end the game. He’s troublesome in VF whatever but I usually could manage him there too unless truly abysmal board happened.

If you find him on defence he’s almost always assisted by Xnol or Ludwig. If you fail to kill them before they go off Khufu will simply whipe out your whole team. I’m not sure how you could manage that on a VF game without getting a very lucky board and going full yellow mono. If you have a video of that I would be very interrested.

So I don’t agree that he is balanced by his slow speed.

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He’s absolutely fine as he is. Yes when he goes off its painful but that’s exactly what it should be like with a slow hero. He never troubles me in raids, but the one time he has gone off it’s been brutal and destroyed me. That’s great because it’s a gamble, he probably won’t fire but if he does is amazing Vs a fast hero that will likely fire but isn’t game changing.

Without this buff he’d be like the vast majority of slow heroes, useless. Too big a risk with not enough reward so you’d always go with the fast heroes which is getting boring


Challenge your own point of view please. How many percent of players have all these 3 paywall heroes at the same time?
Arguing that a specific setup of best heroes is the issue is not sound.

I choose to see that he can’t be used outside titan and Rush because more than 2 of times, the tank is dead when Kufu fire and he hit only 2.

Happy gaming

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I have all three of them, and no, I’m not a whale, just lucky. I got Ludwig during black Friday and the other two on single pulls respectively, so let’s stop that discussion before it starts.

Secondly, even if Khufu does only hit two with his special, he can take them out usually even if the two left are at 75% health, then his passive infects the others. He was decent before, but since they buffed all of their passive skills AND most of their individual special skills both Khufu and crocodile boy have become too strong.