Hero Balance Discussion: Aramis

This thread is for discussing whether Aramis is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Aramis. For that, please see: (🤺 Aramis – 5* Dark / Purple from Brave Musketeers)

If you’d like to see more threads like this — or ignore threads like this, please see instructions in: :bell: Watching or Ignoring Hero Balance/Buff/Nerf Threads

:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Aramis is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I think Aramis is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I’m not sure yet
  • I think Aramis is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Aramis is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?
  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Aramis? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Aramis thread.

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For me personally all these buff and nerf threads don’t make a difference…
What is strong today is tomorrow’s chip shop wrapping paper …
Just my two pennies worth


Personalmente creo que deberían bajarle la curación ya que golpea con mi mula y además se cura con 2 cargas y te alimina no alcanzas ni a atacarlo y ya está fuera del juego en asaltos es casi imposible ganarle hoy salvó llevar monocolor y que el tablero se apiade de ti

This exactly, for me it’s useless. Having said that, and said it many times, asking for a nerf is not good for this game. People invest in a hero, the hero gets a nerf, and two days later SG introduces new heroes who are even stronger than de nerfed hero before nerf.

And at that point your nerfed hero is to weak. All nerfs are losses for the players.

For me personally heroes like Jove and Hathor are worse than Aramis to beat. But I will never ask for a nerf. loss-loss situation, win for SG

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What always has excited me has been when players want a Nerf for a hero and they actually get it and then they get the hero in the following summon that has just been nerfed. Now the hero serves no purpose to them. A couple of months go by and SG releases a new hero that far exceeds anything the previous hero could have possibly done pre-nerf.

Then they’ll be back on the Forum fighting for a buff for the same hero they got the Nerf for.

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I do not want for Aramis to have Vela or Telluria destiny, they beat those two to the ground. Maybe just a little nudge, protection dispelable for instance, nothing more.

LoL come on stop with the nerf stuff just play the game. Games have to be challenging or nobody will play them you should find away around things before you call for a nerf his stats is already low compared to the newer hero’s that SG been releasing lately in my opinion him Jove ,Anne,and Hathor need there stat boost like every other hero got a few months ago

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If you’re raiding and these OP heroes Jove Aramis Anne Hippo Hurricane Hathor are the last ones and you have your whole team. What you all have been saying is that you flee the match because you already know you’re going to lose.

if you were in any league and you could face fight play your favorite athlete in their peak would you?
I mean everyone should cause you’re getting paid and who misses such an opportunity.
How about if the stipulation was that it was only free to face, free to fight, or free to play? Would you do it then?
I mean you shouldn’t these athletes are OP why get embarrassed?

If you face them, fight them or play with them. Why would you be competitive and play defense? If it’s a fight, why don’t you just stand there and get knocked out? You know you can’t win. Why try?

it’d be best to skip your favorite athlete and face an opponent that’s easier someone you can preferably defeat.

O yeah, don’t forget to pass by the leagues and tell the owners that your favorite athletes are too OP and it’s not fair for the other players because they can’t win.


You refer to Vela and Telluria and you know what happened. You think they listen to you and give Aramis a little nudge? smh…

tbh with all these newly released heroes I even stopped using aramis cuz they are far more superior to him…

that exactly, And Phorcys is increasingly taking his place.

We have had 1000 posts just saying all you need to nerf is the dispellable portion of Aramis’ skill. This would make it a little more manageable on defense and those that use him on offense would still have a very functional hero that won’t notice a big difference.

This request has been completely ignored and a lot of Aramis owners agree that should be the only change needed. That said, we would all have to be ready for the forum onslaught of “this hero is completely useless” hyperbole. No good deed goes unpunished.


I hear this a lot, but a nerf doesn’t have to be crippling - just a tuneup that makes them merely strong instead of all-powerful. (For instance, Treevil was significantly nerfed and is still very useful in 3* contexts, possibly even 4*, and is also still ubiquitous in 3* Rush tourneys — which is a statement about how overpowered the Tree was before!)

Even making Aramis’ ailment-blocking able to be dispelled would leave him still hilariously strong. It is frankly somewhat disingenuous to claim that any downgrade at all would tip Aramis directly from “really overpowered, especially as a defense tank” to “completely useless.”

This is indeed a problem, but is a separate problem! This “SG will just release something worse” argument can be used, and arguably even has been used, to excuse… pretty much anything.

SG could release a hero which literally reads “this hero causes instant and irrevocable victory at the start of fight, before any action is taken” and likely someone who was able to obtain and instantly LB2 the hero (despite, presumably, leveling much less LBing the hero being literally pointless) would soon be loudly arguing that NERFING IS THEFT AND SG WILL JUST RELEASE SOMETHING WORSE ANYWAY.

To put it another way:

“other heroes will be overpowered too”

is not actually a counterargument to

“this hero is overpowered.”


Look, the better solutions would be

(1) SG actually listens to Beta and tweaks egregiously overpowered heroes BEFORE general release

(2) SG makes power creep more like power creep than exponential power rush

But to all appearances, SG has ZERO interest in these solutions. Getting the occasional moderate nerf, tuning a hero into “merely” very powerful and useful (as opposed to, say, the Vela nerf-jackhammer debacle) is a band-aid solution, but the only solution that seems likely to be feasible, unless we consider

  • “keep spending exponentially more money FOREVER to chase the EVEN MORE overpowered heroes” or

  • “just entirely give up on facing heroes like this/these”

to be solutions.


So when is this idiotic hero being nerfed? I’m SO %@#$@ OVER a ■■■■■■■ damage dealer doing 1100 damage, boosting for 1500, AND applying ailment immunity. SG, are you completely tone deaf? What is wrong with you? Do you think this is balanced? Since when do damage dealers heal better than healers AND make it impossible to apply ailments??? Sigh, just unbelievable how out of touch you are with your own game.

I can only assume at this point that “big spenders gonna chase Aramis at every Cashkateers portal” still outweighs “little pretense at game balance” (in the sense that Aramis is so ubiquitously used on defense by those who have him).

Presumably, when upper, middle, and even lower Diamond raid defenses are all increasingly dominated by ALL ARAMIS TANK ALL THE TIME, and — more importantly — when Cashkateer portal revenues finally start to sag, only then SG will “discover” that “oh my GOSH, Aramis has been unbalanced and disproportionally represented on defenses, how did THAT happen, tee hee” (and nerf Aramis then, not coincidentally protecting the biggest spenders from anything like parity until the next even more OP heroes come rushing out).



Aramis is like god. He can heal, counter, strengthen, and fast in mana generation. He is almost indispensable. Too hard to defeat. Je is just a musketeer and wizards, monks, sorcerers are no match for him.

My team strength is 5200+ and my opponent’s is 4500+ and I cant even win. Where is justice??? I even used mono team purple with a team power of 5000+ including zet maxed level 85, sabina maxed lvl 80, narcisa maxed level 85, ahootep and tibertus evel 80 both. Still can’t win and almost all of my heros were killed by ARAMIS. I think ARAMIS alone can take all my heroes.

I am quitting!!!

@Lunalun Using a mono team of purple really isn’t going to help you beat Aramis

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not that mono purple team anyways.

i don’t blame you, if i couldn’t beat 1 hero in the whole game, i’d quit too. “get better” is nonsense, quitting is way easier.

path of least resistance i always say.


Yeah right! :joy:

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You all miss those Xnolpod tanks now, don’t ya :wink::joy: