Hero Academy level 10 - Results & Reporting

Marjana became Raffaele today. Didnt have him, so I’ll put him in the leveling queue. I started another HA10 with a Lianna, but now i only have 17 5*, so my TC20s had best pop a couple before the next SE.


Young girl to older woman, like mother and daughter Nice transition


I think lianna has more grey hair than north.


Tuesday, Tuesday, where is my non S1 5*

3 Non-S1 heros [ Zocc(dupe), Anzogh, and Mok_Arr ] out of 40 retrains 7.5 %
No Costumes out of 40 retrains


001 - Kadilen to Obakan (New)
002 - Marjana to Horghall (New, previous copies feed to SE)
003 - Leonidas to Obakan (Dupe)
004 - Obakan to Zocc (Dupe) :slight_smile:
005 - Marjana to Elena (Dupe)
006 - Elena to Anzogh (New) :grinning:
007 - Magni to Richard (Dupe)
008 - Richard to Thorne (Dupe)
009 - Elkanen to Isarnia (Dupe)
010 - Isarnia to Elena (Dupe)
011 - Elena to Isarnia (Dupe)
012 - Isarnia to Khagan (Dupe)
013 - Elkanen to Magni (Dupe)
014 - Khagan to Joon (Dupe)
015 - Elkanen to Joon (Dupe)
016 - Azlar to Quintus (Dupe)
017 - Joon to Justice (Dupe)
018 - Vivica to Magni (Dupe)
019 - Vivica to Sartana (Dupe)
020 - Sartana to Joon (Dupe)
021 - Joon to Azlar (Dupe)
022 - Joon to Domita (Dupe)
023 - Azlar to Sartana (Dupe)
024 - Sartana to Thorne (Dupe)
025 - Thorne to Vivica (Dupe)
026 - Vivica to Elkanen (Dupe)
027 - Elkanen to Elena (Dupe)
028 - Isarnia to Justice (Dupe)
029 - Justice to Lianna (Dupe)
030 - Justice to Quintus (Dupe)
031 - Quintus to Kadilen (Dupe)
032 - Kadilen to Mok-Arr :rofl:
Going to have a break from HA10 as of 6/5/2023
Started back HA10 as of 6/13/2023
033 - Kadilen to Richard (Dupe)
034 - Richard to Sartana (Dupe)
035 - Sartana to Leonidas (Dupe)
036 - Leonidas to Magni (Dupe)
037 - Magni to Horghall
038 - Horghall to Joon
039 - Joon to Lainna
040 - Lianna to Leonidas
041 - Leonidas to


Retrain N°???
Khagan → Roc


#100: Justice to Neith

Neith can be quite useful especially after her buff.

So for the 100 retrainings, I got 6 non-S1 and 6 costumes, although 1 non-S1 and 2 costumes are dupes.

Am taking a break from HA10, as there are very few heroes and costumes that I want now - Frida, Evelyn, Hatter, MN, Krampus, c2 Obakan, c2 Magni, c2 Quintus and c2 Domitia… the chance is getting super low as the pool getting diluted by HOTM each month. May resume HA10 later but for now am ending on a strong note.

Good luck folks.


After 9months full of S1 heroes without costume, finally picked something useful.

New for me and definitely an update, so I am happy with it.


Thorne… I got thorn. But at this long… Being so close to the soul exchange… I’m probably better off not swapping.

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Wow. Such awesome results. I just got Grimble and decided to create an account to check other possible (and real %) results.

Congrats to me and you people.



Well, I certainly haven’t had a non-season one legendary since that last post.
I’ll bookmark this post so that I can link to my next non-s1 pull. :+1:


I seem to be on a roll, it’s week 3 and I got another costume, this time it’s dear old,

It started with costume Lepus, then costume Gravemaker and now costume Quintus.

HA10 For The Win


Retrain number 146: Vivica into Isarnia.

Non-S1 heroes: 5-for-146 (3.4%); last non-S1 result was January 20 (dupe Hanitra)
Costumes: 4-for-109 (3.7%); last costume result was February 5 (C1 Kadilen)

Maybe if I were more of an “influencer” and “supporter of the community”, I wouldn’t have almost 8 months without a good result.


Last week Grimble.
Worst possible result today: Horghall. Back in he goes


My worst possible result would be a costume that i already have.


Painful too. But at least you get a costume to use as food later.

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Lol, I’m no “influencial” player and the last 3 weeks have been good to me after more than a year of retrainings.
Don’t give up hope.

PS. All I really want is Marjana, costume or not because there is a place for her in my red team.

I’d even put HA10 on pause if I did get her so that I could concentrate on stocking my training Center’s, and the other floors of the Academy


I’m rooting for you to receive double costume Marjana!


Fnally something after more than 7 months…


Mostly sarcasm, as this latest discovery of free gifts for whale has really left a bad taste in my mouth. Happy for your good luck.

As FTP, I feel like I have no choice but to keep running this, as one of a few places I can potentially get new heroes.

For me, it’s EDD heroes - Frida, Evelyn, C1 Marjana, and especially C2 Domitia or G. Panther, as I have no EDD in purple, and it’s my weakest color overall. Fortunately, I have C1 Leonidas, and he is great!


I got his other costume now. I dont have tabbards or tome, but he will get some love as soon as they come