Marjana became Raffaele today. Didnt have him, so I’ll put him in the leveling queue. I started another HA10 with a Lianna, but now i only have 17 5*, so my TC20s had best pop a couple before the next SE.
Young girl to older woman, like mother and daughter Nice transition
I think lianna has more grey hair than north.
Tuesday, Tuesday, where is my non S1 5*
3 Non-S1 heros [ Zocc(dupe), Anzogh, and Mok_Arr ] out of 40 retrains 7.5 %
No Costumes out of 40 retrains
001 - Kadilen to Obakan (New)
002 - Marjana to Horghall (New, previous copies feed to SE)
003 - Leonidas to Obakan (Dupe)
004 - Obakan to Zocc (Dupe)
005 - Marjana to Elena (Dupe)
006 - Elena to Anzogh (New)
007 - Magni to Richard (Dupe)
008 - Richard to Thorne (Dupe)
009 - Elkanen to Isarnia (Dupe)
010 - Isarnia to Elena (Dupe)
011 - Elena to Isarnia (Dupe)
012 - Isarnia to Khagan (Dupe)
013 - Elkanen to Magni (Dupe)
014 - Khagan to Joon (Dupe)
015 - Elkanen to Joon (Dupe)
016 - Azlar to Quintus (Dupe)
017 - Joon to Justice (Dupe)
018 - Vivica to Magni (Dupe)
019 - Vivica to Sartana (Dupe)
020 - Sartana to Joon (Dupe)
021 - Joon to Azlar (Dupe)
022 - Joon to Domita (Dupe)
023 - Azlar to Sartana (Dupe)
024 - Sartana to Thorne (Dupe)
025 - Thorne to Vivica (Dupe)
026 - Vivica to Elkanen (Dupe)
027 - Elkanen to Elena (Dupe)
028 - Isarnia to Justice (Dupe)
029 - Justice to Lianna (Dupe)
030 - Justice to Quintus (Dupe)
031 - Quintus to Kadilen (Dupe)
032 - Kadilen to Mok-Arr
Going to have a break from HA10 as of 6/5/2023
Started back HA10 as of 6/13/2023
033 - Kadilen to Richard (Dupe)
034 - Richard to Sartana (Dupe)
035 - Sartana to Leonidas (Dupe)
036 - Leonidas to Magni (Dupe)
037 - Magni to Horghall
038 - Horghall to Joon
039 - Joon to Lainna
040 - Lianna to Leonidas
041 - Leonidas to
#100: Justice to Neith
Neith can be quite useful especially after her buff.
So for the 100 retrainings, I got 6 non-S1 and 6 costumes, although 1 non-S1 and 2 costumes are dupes.
Am taking a break from HA10, as there are very few heroes and costumes that I want now - Frida, Evelyn, Hatter, MN, Krampus, c2 Obakan, c2 Magni, c2 Quintus and c2 Domitia… the chance is getting super low as the pool getting diluted by HOTM each month. May resume HA10 later but for now am ending on a strong note.
Good luck folks.
After 9months full of S1 heroes without costume, finally picked something useful.
New for me and definitely an update, so I am happy with it.
Thorne… I got thorn. But at this long… Being so close to the soul exchange… I’m probably better off not swapping.
Wow. Such awesome results. I just got Grimble and decided to create an account to check other possible (and real %) results.
Congrats to me and you people.
Well, I certainly haven’t had a non-season one legendary since that last post.
I’ll bookmark this post so that I can link to my next non-s1 pull.
I seem to be on a roll, it’s week 3 and I got another costume, this time it’s dear old,
It started with costume Lepus, then costume Gravemaker and now costume Quintus.
HA10 For The Win
Retrain number 146: Vivica into Isarnia.
Non-S1 heroes: 5-for-146 (3.4%); last non-S1 result was January 20 (dupe Hanitra)
Costumes: 4-for-109 (3.7%); last costume result was February 5 (C1 Kadilen)
Maybe if I were more of an “influencer” and “supporter of the community”, I wouldn’t have almost 8 months without a good result.
Last week Grimble.
Worst possible result today: Horghall. Back in he goes
My worst possible result would be a costume that i already have.
Painful too. But at least you get a costume to use as food later.
Lol, I’m no “influencial” player and the last 3 weeks have been good to me after more than a year of retrainings.
Don’t give up hope.
PS. All I really want is Marjana, costume or not because there is a place for her in my red team.
I’d even put HA10 on pause if I did get her so that I could concentrate on stocking my training Center’s, and the other floors of the Academy
I’m rooting for you to receive double costume Marjana!
Mostly sarcasm, as this latest discovery of free gifts for whale has really left a bad taste in my mouth. Happy for your good luck.
As FTP, I feel like I have no choice but to keep running this, as one of a few places I can potentially get new heroes.
For me, it’s EDD heroes - Frida, Evelyn, C1 Marjana, and especially C2 Domitia or G. Panther, as I have no EDD in purple, and it’s my weakest color overall. Fortunately, I have C1 Leonidas, and he is great!
I got his other costume now. I dont have tabbards or tome, but he will get some love as soon as they come