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Some More Maths

Time to get a Non-S1 5* Hero

Odds are 5% for any non-S1 5* Hero.

At 7 days per attempt we get the following time cost to get:

  • 25% chance of non-S1 hero = 7 attempts = 49 days

  • 50% chance of non-S1 hero = 14 attempts = 98 days

  • 75% chance of non-S1 hero = 27 attempts = 189 days

  • 90% chance of non-S1 hero = 45 attempts = 315 days

  • 99% chance of non-S1 hero = 90 attempts = 630 days (1.72 years)

  • 99.99% chance of non-S1 hero = 180 attempts = 1,260 days (3.45 years)

Time to get a SPECIFIC Non-S1 5* Hero

With HA10 the specific Odds on release are 0.1% for a sepcific hero (50 heroes in the pool which will dilute over time).

  • 25% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 288 attempts = 2,016 days (5.52 years)

  • 50% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 693 attempts = 4,851 days (13.29 years)

  • 75% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 1,386 attempts = 9,702 days (26.58 years)

  • 90% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 2,302 attempts = 16,114 days (44.15 years)

  • 99% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 4,603 attempts = 32,221 days (88.28 years)

  • 99.99% chance of specific non-S1 hero = 9,206 attempts = 64,442 days (176.55 years)

Gem Cost to Insta-Skip & get a SPECIFIC Non-S1 5* Hero

Using 5100 gems for full food refill (based on my current max of 3134k food) → One refill per 2 attempts
Also 25 gems/ hour to skip HA 10 (Same as Training Camp Cost)

Gem Cost per attempt: 6,750 gems

Compare that to 50% odds of just summoning G. Panther from Event Summon = 347 Summons = 910,00 gems = $899.91 USD

Or a 50% odds of summoning Gravemaker from Legends Portal = 1,333 Summons = 358,000 gems = $3,579.65 USD